
The College of Humanities brings together more than 300 researchers who study the arts, cultures, and languages of Africa, Asia, the Middle East and their diasporas.  

Our research at the College of Humanities is known for internationalism, interdisciplinarity, and engagement with marginalised peoples, languages, and cultures and knowledge exchange. We host a number of vibrant research centres, such as the Centre for Global and Comparative Philosophies, the Centre for Translation Studies, and the Centre of Buddhist Studies, and externally funded research projects, for example, language revitalisation, Avestan ritual in India, maqām music, African literature and film, and the restitution of Southeast Asian Art.  

Researchers in the College regularly collaborate with UK-based and international partners and non-academic communities to challenge inequalities and injustice and create positive change and impact. 


"Our specialised and interdisciplinary research is inspiring and much of it is grounded in our distinctive Area Studies approach at SOAS. 


Our researchers are also closely engaged with non-academic partners and organisations, and share their research with others to bring about ethical transformations of the world."

— Professor Lindiwe Dovey, Deputy Dean for Research and Knowledge Exchange

Our doctoral researchers

Our PhD researchers are a very active and engaged group of scholars from around the world working within and across many disciplines and regions.

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