School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics
Emeritus Professor of Chinese
China Institute
Emeritus Professor of Chinese
Centre for Cultural, Literary and Postcolonial Studies
《〈文選〉樂器賦之内容與結構述要—兼論唐代樂器賦的承襲與變易》(Content and Structure of Rhapsodies on Musical Instruments in the Selections of Refined Literature)
Lo, Andrew (2014). In: Cheng, Zhangcan, (eds.) and Xu, Xingwu, (eds.), 《文選》與中國文學傳統 (The Selections of Refined Literature and the Chinese Literary Tradition). Beijing, China: Zhonghua shuju, pp 9-27
‘《吾今一死初無憾,願把孤忠托孟堅:華岳詩作研析》(The Poetry of Hua Yue [?-1222]).’
Lo, Andrew (2013). In: Wang, Cicheng, (eds.) and Qi, Maoji, (eds.), 融通與新變:世變下的中國知識分子與文化 (Adaptation and Change: Chinese Intellectuals and Culture in Periods of Crisis). Taipei, Taiwan: Airiti Press, pp 133-177
《廣東船舶與江河風景組畫》(Paintings of Boats, Ships and River Scenes in Guangdong Province)
Lo, Andrew (盧慶濱) and Wang, Tzi-Cheng (王次澄) (2011). In: Wang, Tzi-Cheng (王次澄), (ed.), 大英圖書館特藏中國清代外銷畫精華 (Chinese Export Paintings of the Qing Period in The British Library), Vol. 6. Guangzhou: Guangdong Renmin Chubanshe (Guangdong People's Publishing House), pp 91-296
Lo, Andrew (盧慶濱) (2011). In: Wang, Tzi-Cheng (王次澄), (ed.), 大英圖書館特藏中國清代外銷畫精華 (Chinese Export Paintings of the Qing Period in The British Library), Vol. 6. Guangzhou: Guangdong Renmin Chubanshe (Guangdong People’s Publishing House), pp 1-90
Lo, Andrew (盧慶濱) (2011). In: Wang, Tzi-Cheng (王次澄), (ed.), 大英圖書館特藏中國清代外銷畫精華 (Chinese Export Paintings of the Qing Period in The British Library), Vol. 3. Guangzhou: Guangdong Renmin Chubanshe (Guangdong People’s Publishing House), pp 59-98
《勸戒鴉片煙組畫》(Paintings Urging People to Stop Smoking Opium)
Lo, Andrew (盧慶濱) (2011). In: Wang, Tzi-Cheng (王次澄), (ed.), 大英圖書館特藏中國清代外銷畫精華 (Chinese Export Paintings of the Qing Period in The British Library), Vol.3. Guangzhou: Guangdong Renmin Chubanshe (Guangdong People’s Publishing House), pp 197-256
《宗教建築與祭祀陳設組畫》(Paintings of Religious Buildings and Sacrificial Arrangements)
Lo, Andrew (盧慶濱) and Wang, Tzi-Cheng (王次澄) (2011). In: Wang, Tzi-Cheng (王次澄), (ed.), 大英圖書館特藏中國清代外銷畫精華 (Chinese Export Paintings of the Qing Period in The British Library), Vol. 3. Guangzhou: Guangdong Renmin Chubanshe (Guangdong People's Publishing House), pp 137-196
《北京社會生活與風俗組畫》(Paintings of Beijing Life and Customs). Part 2
Lo, Andrew (盧慶濱) and Wang, Tzi-Cheng (王次澄) (2011). In: Wang, Tzi-Cheng (王次澄), (ed.), 大英圖書館特藏中國清代外銷畫精華 (Chinese Export Paintings of the Qing Period in The British Library), Vol. 8. Guangzhou: Guangdong Renmin Chubanshe (Guangdong People's Publishing House), pp 1-92
《廣州街市百業組畫》(Paintings of Street and Marketplace Occupations in Canton)
Lo, Andrew (盧慶濱) and Wang, Tzi-Cheng (王次澄) (2011). In: Wang, Tzi-Cheng (王次澄), (ed.), 大英圖書館特藏中國清代外銷畫精華 (Chinese Export Paintings of the Qing Period in The British Library), Vol. 2. Guangzhou: Guangdong Renmin Chubanshe (Guangdong People’s Publishing House), pp 1-153
Lo, Andrew (盧慶濱), Song, Jiayu (宋家鈺) and Tao, Guoyuan (陶國垣) (2011). In: Wang, Tzi-Cheng (王次澄), (ed.), 大英圖書館特藏中國清代外銷畫精華 (Chinese Export Paintings of the Qing Period in The British Library), Vol. 5. Guangzhou: Guangdong Renmin Chubanshe (Guangdong People’s Publishing House), pp 1-255
《北京社會生活與風俗組畫》(Paintings of Beijing Life and Customs). Part 1
Lo, Andrew (盧慶濱) and Wang, Tzi-Cheng (王次澄) (2011). In: Wang, Tzi-Cheng (王次澄), (ed.), 大英圖書館特藏中國清代外銷畫精華 (Chinese Export Paintings of the Qing Period in The British Library), Vol. 7. Guangzhou: Guangdong Renmin Chubanshe (Guangdong People's Publishing House), pp 1-307
Lo, Andrew (盧慶濱), Song, Jiayu (宋家鈺), Wang, Tzi-Cheng (王次澄) and Wood, Frances (吳芳思) (2011). In: Wang, Tzi-Cheng (王次澄), (ed.), 大英圖書館特藏中國清代外銷畫精華 (Chinese Export Paintings of the Qing Period in The British Library). Guangzhou: Guangdong Renmin Chubanshe (Guangdong People 19s Publishing House), pp 5-60
Lo, Andrew (盧慶濱) and Wang, Tzi-Cheng (王次澄) (2011). In: Wang, Tzi-Cheng (王次澄), (ed.), 大英圖書館特藏中國清代外銷畫精華 (Chinese Export Paintings of the Qing Period in The British Library), Vol. 8. Guangzhou: Guangdong Renmin Chubanshe (Guangdong People’s Publishing House), pp 93-221
《廣州港和廣州府城畫》(Painting of Canton Harbour and the City of Canton)
Lo, Andrew (盧慶濱), Song, Jiayu (宋家鈺) and Wang, Tzi-Cheng (王次澄) (2011). In: Wang, Tzi-Cheng (王次澄), (ed.), 大英圖書館特藏中國清代外銷畫精華 (Chinese Export Paintings of the Qing Period in The British Library), Vol. 1. Guangzhou: Guangdong Renmin Chubanshe (Guangdong People’s Publishing House), pp 1-85
《唐宋圍棋詩歌的雅與俗》(The Elegant and the Common in Poems on the Game of Weiqi in Tang and Song Dynasty Poetry)
Lo, Andrew (盧慶濱) (2010). In: Wang, Tzi-Cheng (王次澄), (ed.), 雅俗相成—傳統文化質性的變易 (The Complementarity of the Elegant and the Common – Qualitative Changes in Traditional Culture). Taiwan: Zhongyang Daxue Chuban Zhongxin; Airti Press, pp 215-259
Lo, Andrew (2005). Dishijie Mingshi guoji xueshu taolunhui lunwenji (Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Ming History). China: Renimn ribao chubanshe, pp 448-456
Lo, Andrew (2005). Zheng Yinbo Xiansheng baisui mingdan guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji (International Conference on Traditional Chinese Literature in Honour of the 100th Birthday [Posthumous] of Professor Zheng Qian). Taiwan: Guoli Taiwan Daxue Zhongguo Wenxue Xi, Xingzhengyuan Wenhua Jianshe Weiyuanhui, pp 459-487
The Earthworms Tame the Dragon: The Game of Xiangqi
Wang, Tzi-Cheng and Lo, Andrew (2004). In: Mackenzie, Colin, (eds.) and Finkel, Irving L., (eds.), Asian Games: The Art of Contest. New York: Asia Society, pp 168-179
Spider Threads Roaming the Empyrean: The Game of Weiqi
Wang, Tzi-Cheng and Lo, Andrew (2004). In: Mackenzie, Colin, (eds.) and Finkel, Irving L., (eds.), Asian Games: The Art of Contest. New York: Asia Society, pp 186-201
Su men xueshi yanming chutan (Inkstone Inscriptions of Scholars under Su Shi)
Lo, Andrew (2003). In: Mo, Lifeng, (ed.), Dierjie Songdai wenxue guoji yantaohui lunwenji (Selected Papers from the Second International Conference on Song Dynasty Literature) = 第二屆宋代文學國際硏討會論文集. Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe, pp 739-768
Amusement Literature in Some Early Ch''ing Collectanea
Lo, Andrew (1994). In: Peterson, Willard J., (eds.), Plaks, Andrew H., (eds.) and Yü, Ying-shih, (eds.), The Power of Culture: Studies in Chinese Cultural History. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, pp 275-303
Third International Conference on Song Dynasty Literature - "Zhang Zi shige chuangzuo yu yuanlin yaqu (Elegant Aspects of Zhang Zi[1153-1212+]'s Poetry on His Garden)