Machiko Nissanke is Emeritus Professor of Economics at School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London.
She taught at SOAS since early 1990s to 2015 at the Department of Economics, mostly focusing on two graduate courses in International Economics and Financial Economics. She also contributed to teaching a part of the undergraduate course of the Japanese Economy since 1868 for a few years before retirement in 2015.
She previously worked at University of Oxford, Birkbeck College, University College London, and was Research Fellow of Nuffield College and the Overseas Development Institute, UK. She published 14 authored and edited books, and numerous book chapters as well as papers in leading international academic journal articles in the fields of international economics, financial Economics and Development Economics. Her books since 2010 include Commodities, Governance and Economic Development under Globalization, Palgrave/Macmillan, 2010; The Poor under Globalization in Asia, Latin America and Africa, Oxford University Press, 2010; and Aid as Handmaiden for the Development of Institutions, Palgrave/Macmillan, 2013.
After retirement in 2015, she continued supervision of a few PhD students until 2019 and published two edited book, Poverty Reduction in the Course of African Development, Oxford University Press, 2017 and Palgrave Handbook in Development Economics: Critical Reflections on Globalisation and Development, in which she contributed three major chapters on the themes of Globalisation and Development as well as Aid-Debt-Growth Debate. Since the publication, the Handbook has been used globally as a main reference book in graduate courses in Development Economics. Throughout her career, she served as consultant/advisor to various international organisations as well global research networks and directed several major international research programs.
Before the retirement, she held a position of visiting scholar and academics in Europe, US, and Asia. She has served as reviewer for several international academic journals and publishing houses. To date she has been continuing her research on the themes of Globalization and Development, and the future research agenda for development economists.
Research interests
International Economics (trade and finance)
Finance and Development
North-South Economic Relations and South-South Economic Cooperation
Comparative Development Experience in Asia and Africa
Globalisation, Inequality and Poverty
Pro-Poor Globalisation: An Elusive Concept or a Realistic Perspective
Nissanke, Machiko (2007). London: (SOAS, University of London)
Introduction: Tracing Poverty Dynamics in Sub-Saharan Africa: Recent Progress and Future Challenges
Nissanke, Machiko (2017). In: Nissanke, Machiko, (eds.) and Ndolo, Muna, (eds.), Poverty Reduction in the Course of African Development. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 3-38
Commodities Super-cycle: Implications for South Asia." In Regional Integration in South Asia: Trends, Challenges and Prospects
Nissanke, Machiko and van Huellen, Sophie (2014). In: Razzaque, Mohammad A., (eds.) and Basnett, Yurendra, (eds.), Regional Integration in South Asia: Trends, Challenges and Prospects. London: The Commonwealth Secretariat, pp 281-303
Comparative Analysis of the Globalization-Poverty Nexus in Asia, Latin America and Africa
Nissanke, Machiko and Thorbecke, Erik (2010). In: Nissanke, Machiko, (eds.) and Thorbecke, Erik, (eds.), The Poor under Globalization in Asia, Latin America and Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 3-39
Nissanke, Machiko (2010). In: Mavrotas, George, (ed.), Foreign Aid for Development: Issues, Challenges, and the New Agenda. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 63-93
Globalisation and the Poor in Asia: Can Shard Growth be Sustained?
Nissanke, Machiko and Thorbecke, Erik (2008). Globalization and the Poor in Asia: Can Shared Growth be Sustained. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp 1-23
Globalization and Poverty in Asia: Can Shared Growth be Sustained?
Nissanke, Machiko and Thorbecke, Erik (2008). In: Nissanke, Machiko, (eds.) and Thorbecke, Erik, (eds.), Globalization and the Poor in Asia: Can Shared Growth be Sustained?. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp 1-23
Channels and Policy Debate in the Globalization-Inequality-Poverty Nexus
Nissanke, Machiko (2007). In: Cornia, Giovanni Andrea, (ed.), The Impact of Globalisation on World's Poor: Transmission Mechanisms. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Revenue Potential of the Tobin Tax for Development Finance: A Critical Appraisal
Nissanke, Machiko (2005). In: Atkinson, A. B., (ed.), New sources of development finance : a study prepared by the World Institute for Development Economics Research of the United Nations University (UNU-WIDER). Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 58-89
Comparative Development Experiences in Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia
Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest (2003). In: Nissanke, Machiko, (eds.) and Aryeetey, Ernest, (eds.), Comparative Development Experiences of Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia:An Institutional Approach. London: Ashgate, pp 3-29
Financial Policies and Financial sector Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest (2003). In: Nissanke, Machiko, (eds.) and Aryeetey, Ernest, (eds.), Comparative Development Experiences of Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia:An Institutional Approach. London: Ashgate, pp 299-333
Comparative Institutional Analysis: Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia
Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest (2003). In: Nissanke, Machiko, (eds.) and Aryeetey, Ernest, (eds.), Comparative Development Experiences of Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia:An Institutional Approach. London: Ashgate, pp 30-70
African Experiences with Financial Sector Reforms: What has been achieved so far
Nissanke, Machiko (2002). In: Stein, Howard, (eds.) and Ajakaiye, O, (eds.), Deregulation and the Banking Crisis in Nigeria: A Comparative Study. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp 129-167
Intervention and Liberalisation: Changing Policies and Performance in the Financial Sector
Nissanke, Machiko, Aryeetey, Ernest and Steel, W. (2000). In: Aryeetey, Ernest, (eds.), Harrigan, Jane, (eds.) and Nissanke, Machiko, (eds.), Economic Reforms in Ghana: The Miracle and the Mirage. London: James Currey, pp 365