Professor Laurence Smith
Key information
- Roles
- Professor Emeritus, Environmental Policy and Development Centre for Water and Development Member, Centre for Water and Development Centre for Development, Environment and Policy Member
- Qualifications
- BSc (Cranfield), MSc (London)
- Email address
Laurence Smith specialises as an economist working on natural resource management, rural development, and water resources management.
He has experience of research, consultancy, education and training work in the UK and internationally. He has worked for leading international agencies including DFID, World Bank, FAO and IWMI. He has recently been principal investigator for research on catchment management funded by the Rural Economy and Land Use (RELU) programme of the UK Research Councils and Defra.
The stocks and flows of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium across a 30-year time series for agriculture in Huantai county, China
Bellarby, Jessica, Surridge, Ben, Haygarth, Philip, Liu, Kun, Siciliano, Giuseppina, Smith, Laurence, Rahn, Clive and Meng, Fanqiao, 2017, Science of the Total Environment (619-20), pp 606-620
View this articleStrategies for sustainable nutrient management: Insights from a mixed natural and social science analysis of Chinese crop production systems
Bellarby, Jessica, Siciliano, Giuseppina, Smith, Laurence, Xin, Lai, Zhou, Jianbin, Liu, Kun, Jie, Li, Meng, Fanqiao, Inman, Alex, Rahn, Clive, Surridge, Ben and Haygarth, Philip, 2017, Environmental Development (21), pp 52-65
View this articleAn assessment of intermediary roles in payments for ecosystem services schemes in the context of catchment management: An example from South West England
Cook, Hadrian, Smith, Laurence and Couldrick, Laurence, 2017, Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management (19), 1, pp 1750003
View this articleMitigation of diffuse water pollution from agriculture in England and China, and the scope for policy transfer
Smith, Laurence, Inman, Alex, Xin, Lai, Haifang, Zhang, Meng, Fanqiao, Zhou, Jianbin, Burke, Sean, Rahn, Clive, Siciliano, Giuseppina, Haygarth, Philip, Bellarby, Jessica and Surridge, Ben, 2016, Land Use Policy (61), pp 208-219
View this articlePrevention and Control of Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollutions in UK and Suggestions to China
Liu, Kun, Ren, Tianzhi, Wu, Wenliang, Meng, Fanqiao, Bellarby, Jessica and Smith, Laurence, 2016, Journal of Agro-Environment Science (35), 5, pp 817-823
View this articleMany Rivers to Cross: Evaluating the Benefits and Limitations of Strategic Environmental Assessment for the Koshi River Basin
King, Hugh and Smith, Laurence, 2016, Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management (18), 2, pp 1650011
View this articleUneven development and the commercialisation of public utilities: a political ecology analysis of water reforms in Malaysia
Padfield, Rory, Tham, Mun Hou, Costes, Sophie and Smith, Laurence, 2016, Utilities Policy (40), pp 152-161
View this articleA comprehensive review of constraints to improved management of fertilizers in China and mitigation of diffuse water pollution from agriculture
Smith, Laurence and Siciliano, Giuseppina, 2015, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (209), pp 15-25
View this articleIs environmental management really more collaborative? A comparative analysis of putative ‘paradigm shifts’
Benson, David, Jordan, Andrew and Smith, Laurence, 2013, Environmental and Planning A (45), 7, pp 1695-1712
View this articleCollaboration or Agency Control? Measuring paradigm shift in catchment management
Benson, David, Jordan, Andrew and Smith, Laurence, 2013, Environmental and Planning A
View this articleCollaborative environmental governance: are watershed partnerships swimming or are they sinking?
Benson, David, Jordan, Andrew, Cook, Hadrian and Smith, Laurence, 2013, Land Use Policy (30), 1, pp 748-757
View this articleThe Potential of Land Conservation Agreements for Protection of Water Resources
Smith, Laurence, Inman, Alex and Cherrington, Ross, 2012, Environmental Science and Policy (24), pp 92-100
View this articleThe role of expert opinion in environmental modelling
Krueger, Tobias, Page, Trevor, Hubacek, Klaus, Smith, Laurence and Hiscock, Kevin, 2012, Environmental Modelling and Software (36), pp 4-18
View this articleA guide to expert opinion in environmental modelling and management
Krueger, Tobias, Page, Trevor, Smith, Laurence and Voinov, A, 2012, Environmental Modelling and Software (36), pp 1-3
View this articleCatchment management groups in England and Wales: extent, roles and influences
Cook, Hadrian, Benson, David, Inman, Alex, Jordan, Andrew and Smith, Laurence, 2011, Water and Environment Journal (26), 1, pp 47-55
View this articleManagement of Catchments for the Protection of Water Resources: Drawing on the New York City Watershed Experience
Smith, Laurence and Porter, Keith, 2010, Regional Environmental Change (10), 4, pp 311-326
View this articleAgricultural water management and poverty linkages
Namara, R. E., Hanjra, M. A., Castillo, G. E., Ravnborg, H.M., Smith, Laurence and Van Koppen, B., 2010, Agricultural Water Management (97), 4, pp 520-527
View this articleAn Application of the DEA Double Bootstrap to Examine Sources of Efficiency in Bangladesh Rice Farming
Balcombe, K., Fraser, I., Latruffe, L., Rahman, Mizanur and Smith, Laurence, 2008, Applied Economics (40), 15, pp 1919-1925
View this articleExamining the Technical Efficiency of Rice Producers in Bangladesh
Balcombe, K., Fraser, I., Rahman, Mizanur and Smith, Laurence, 2007, Journal of International Development (19), 1, pp 1-16
View this articleA Non-parametric Approach to Model the Technical, Allocative, Cost and Scale Efficiency of Rice Producers in Bangladesh
Rahman, Mizanur, Balcombe, K. and Smith, Laurence, 2006, The Journal of Agricultural and Food Economics (1), 1, pp 27-48
View this articleCatchment Management – Relevant in Developed and Developing Countries
Cook, Hadrian and Smith, Laurence, 2005, Waterlines (24), 1, pp 2-3
View this articleAssessment of the Contribution of Irrigation to Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Livelihoods
Smith, Laurence, 2004, International Journal of Water Resources Development (20), 2, pp 243-57
View this articleIrrigation and Fisheries: Irreconcilable Conflicts or Potential Synergies?
Nguyen-Khoa, S. and Smith, Laurence, 2004, Irrigation and Drainage (53), 4, pp 415-427
View this articleAnalysis of Financial Viability of Long Term Investment in Mango Orchards in Sindh Province of Pakistan
Khushk, A.M. and Smith, Laurence, 1999, Sarhad Journal of Agriculture (15), 2, pp 153-161
View this articleThe Impact of Farmer Participation on Water Distribution Performance in Two Irrigation Schemes in Sri Lanka
Aheeyar, M. M. M. and Smith, Laurence, 1999, Sri Lanka Journal of Social Sciences (22), 1/2, pp 27-43
View this articleRefining the Use of Monte-Carlo Techniques for Risk Analysis in Project Planning
Balcombe, K. and Smith, Laurence, 1999, Journal of Development Studies (36), 2, pp 112-134
View this articleFacilitating The Provision Of Farm Credit: The Role Of Interlocking Transactions Between Traders and Zamindars In Crop Marketing Systems in Sindh
Smith, Laurence, Stockbridge, Mike and Lohano, H.R., 1999, World Development (27), 2, pp 403-418
View this articleCase Studies of Corruption in Agricultural Markets in Sindh Province, Pakistan, and Implications for Market Liberalisation
Smith, Laurence, Khushk, A.M. and Stockbridge, Mike, 1999, Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing (11), 1, pp 19-42
View this articleFactors Affecting Mango Production in Sindh
Khushk, A.M. and Smith, Laurence, 1999, Sarhad Journal of Agriculture (15), 3, pp 371-379
View this articleComparing the Seed Cotton and Wheat Marketing Chains in Sindh
Lohano, H.R., Smith, Laurence and Stockbridge, Mike, 1998, The Pakistan Development Review (37), 1, pp 53-75
View this articleParticipatory Irrigation Management In Sri Lanka: Lessons of Experience
Aheeyar, M. M. M. and Smith, Laurence, 1998, ICID Journal (47), 2, pp 77-86
View this articleWater - An Economic Good?: Theory and Practice
Smith, Laurence, Franks, Tom and Kay, M., 1997, ICID Journal (46), 2, pp 1-13
View this articleA Preliminary Analysis of the Marketing of Mango in Sindh Province
Khushk, A.M. and Smith, Laurence, 1996, The Pakistan Development Review (35), 3, pp 241-256
View this articleAn Assessment of Project Management Software as a Decision Support System for Irrigation Management in Morocco
Smith, Laurence and Keddal, H., 1995, Irrigation and Drainage Systems (4), 9, pp 329-355
View this articleA Progress Report on the Sindh University-Wye College Link Project
Smith, Laurence, 1995, Open Learning (10), 3, pp 44-47
View this articleA Critique of Methods of Economic Appraisal for Agricultural Investment Projects
Smith, Laurence and Yun, Wenju, 1994, Journal of Agro-Technical Economics = Nong ye ji shu jing ji, 4
View this articlePandangan Ahli Ekonomi Terhadap Penilaian Kinerja Irigasi: Berseta Contoh-Contoh Pada Irigasi Besar Di Maroko
Smith, Laurence, 1993, VISI Irigasi Indonesia (8), 3, pp 5-19
View this articleIdentification and Estimation of Priority Weights of Irrigation System Management Objectives for Irrigation System Performance Assessment
Kotagama, H. B., Carruthers, I. and Smith, Laurence, 1992, Tropical Agricultural Research (4), pp 297-307
View this articleAn Economist's Perspective on Irrigation Performance Assessment: With Examples from Large Scale Irrigation in Morocco
Smith, Laurence, 1990, Irrigation and Drainage Systems (4), 3, pp 329-343
View this articleThe River Wadu Role Play - Ten Years Experience
Carruthers, I. and Smith, Laurence, 1989, Irrigation and Drainage Systems (3), 3
View this articleThe Wye College Irrigation Game
Smith, Laurence, 1989, Irrigation and Drainage Systems (3), 3
View this articleThe Role of Simulation Exercises in Training Irrigation Managers
Smith, Laurence, 1986, ODI/IIMI Irrigation Management Network Paper, 86/2c
View this articleCatchment and River Basin Management: Integrating Science and Governance
Smith, Laurence, (eds.), Porter, Keith, (eds.), Hiscock, Kevin, (eds.), Porter, MJ, (eds.) and Benson, David, (eds.) (2015). Abingdon; New York: Routledge. (Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management)
View this bookWater: Economics, Management and Demand
Kay, M., (eds.), Franks, Tom, (eds.) and Smith, Laurence, (eds.) (1997). London: E and FN Spon, Chapman Hall.
View this book农业项目经济评价实用手册 = Handbook for Economic Appraisal of Agricultural Projects
Smith, Laurence, (ed.) (1996). Beijing: Chinese Agriculture Publishing.
View this bookWater Management by Farmers
Smith, Laurence (2018). In: Allan, Tony, (eds.), Bromwich, Brendan, (eds.), Colman, Tony, (eds.) and Keulertz, Martin, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Food, Water and Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press
View this book sectionAgriculture and food
Araya, Y, Dorward, Andrew, Gideon, Jasmine, Kock, R., Smith, Laurence and Waage, Jeff (2015). In: Waage, Jeff, (eds.) and Yap, Chris, (eds.), Thinking Beyond Sectors for Sustainable Development. London: Ubiquity Press, pp 45-50
View this book sectionLand Conservation Agreements
Smith, Laurence (2013). Payments for Ecosystem Services: A Best Practice Guide. London: Defra, pp 64-67
View this book sectionMarket-driven Agricultural Growth: Contrasting Experiences in Punjab and Rajasthan
Hazell, Peter, Sharma, Abjhit and Smith, Laurence (2013). In: Hope, N, (eds.), Kochar, A, (eds.), Noll, R, (eds.) and Srinivasan, T N, (eds.), Economic Reform in India: Challenges, Prospects and Lessons. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
View this book sectionLocal and Adaptive Management of Catchments for the Protection of Water Quality: Drawing on International Experience
Smith, Laurence (2008). In: Crighton, K., (eds.) and Audsley, R., (eds.), Land Management in a Changing Environment, Proceedings of the SAC and SEPA Biennial Conference, Agriculture and the Environment VII, Edinburgh, 26-27 March 2008. Edinburgh: NERC Open Research Archive and Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
View this book sectionReversing the flow: agricultural water management pathways for poverty reduction
Castillo, G. E., Namara, R. E., Munk Ravnborg, H., Hanjra, M. A., Smith, Laurence and Hussein, M. H. (2007). In: Molden, David, (ed.), Water for food Water for life. London: Earthscan, pp 149-191
View this book sectionDrainage Needs in the Lower Indus, Pakistan
Smith, Laurence (2001). In: Merrett, S., (ed.), Water for Agriculture: Irrigation Economics in International Perspective. London: Spon Press, pp 112-119
View this book sectionNew Institutional Economics: Insights on Innovation Dissemination and UptakE
Dorward, Andrew, Kydd, Jonathan, Morrison, Jamie, Poulton, Colin and Smith, Laurence (2000). In: Hainsworth, S.D., (eds.) and Eden-Green, S.J., (eds.), Sustaining change: proceedings of a workshop on the factors affecting uptake and adoption of Department for International Development (DFID) Crop Protection Programme (CPP) research outputs ; 21-23 June 2000, Imperial College at Wye, Kent, UK. Chatham Maritime, Kent, UK: Natural Resources International Limited, pp 97-103
View this book sectionDistance Learning and its Potential Role in Water Sector Capacity Building
Smith, Laurence and Teshome, A. (1999). In: Alaerts, G.J., (eds.), Hartvelt, F.J.A., (eds.) and Patorni, F.M., (eds.), Water Sector Capacity Building: Concepts and Instruments, Proceedings of the Second UNDP Symposium on Water Sector Capacity Building, Delft, 1996. Rotterdam, Netherlands: A.A. Balkema, pp 395-412
View this book sectionCotton and Wheat Marketing and the Provision of Pre-harvest Services in Sindh Province, Pakistan
Stockbridge, Mike, Smith, Laurence and Lohano, H.R. (1998). In: Dorward, Andrew, (eds.), Kydd, Jonathan, (eds.) and Poulton, Colin, (eds.), Smallholder Cash Crop Production Under Market Liberalization: A New Institutional Economics Perspective. Wallingford: CABI, pp 177-239
View this book sectionParticipatory Irrigation Management: A Case Study of Ability to Pay
Smith, Laurence and Sohani, A. (1997). In: Kay, M., (eds.), Franks, Tom, (eds.) and Smith, Laurence, (eds.), Water: Economics, Management and Demand. London: E and FN Spon, Chapman Hall, pp 210-218
View this book sectionPrivate Groundwater Development in the Lower Indus: Policy Issues
Smith, Laurence and Pathan, P.A. (1996). In: Howsam, Peter, (eds.) and Carter, Richard, (eds.), Water Policy: Allocation and Management in Practice, Proceedings of International Conference on Water Policy, Cranfield University 23-24 September 1996. London: E and FN Spon, Chapman Hall, pp 311-318
View this book sectionThe Economics of Drainage
Carruthers, I. and Smith, Laurence (1990). Proceedings of the Symposium on Land Drainage for Salinity Control in Arid and SemiArid Regions, Vol 1, Keynotes. Cairo: Nubar Printing House
View this book sectionTechnical, Financial and Economic Characteristics of Drainage Projects and their Implications for Project Evaluation: Experience from the Lower Indus Basin
Smith, Laurence and Carruthers, I. (1989). In: Rydzewski, J.R., (eds.) and Ward, C.F., (eds.), Irrigation: Theory and Practice. London: Pentech Press
View this book sectionMitigation of diffuse water pollution from agriculture in England and China, and the scope for policy transfer
Smith, Laurence, Inman, Alex, Xin, Lai, Zhang, Haifang, Wang, Zhiwen, Meng, Fanqiao, Zhou, Jianbin, Burke, Sean, Rahn, Clive, Siciliano, Giuseppina and Surridge, Ben (2016). (SAIN)
View this bookDelivering improved nutrient stewardship in China: the knowledge, attitudes and practices of farmers and advisers
Smith, Laurence, Siciliano, Giuseppina, Inman, Alex, Rahn, Clive, Bellarby, Jessica, Surridge, Ben, Haygarth, Philip, Xin, Lai, Zhang, Guilong, Ji, L., Zhou, Jianbin, Meng, Fanqiao and Burke, Sean (2015). London: (UK-China Sustainable Agricultural Innovation Network (SAIN))
View this bookInefficiency and Environmental Risks associated with Nutrient Use in Agriculture within China and the UK
Bellarby, Jessica, Surridge, Ben, Haygarth, Philip, Xin, Lai, Zhang, Guilong, Xialong, S, Zhou, Jianbin, Meng, Fanqiao, Shen, Jianbo, Rahn, Clive, Burke, Sean, Smith, Laurence and Siciliano, Giuseppina (2015). London: (UK-China Sustainable Agricultural Innovation Network (SAIN))
View this bookCatchment partnerships –better planning for our rivers and landscapes
Couldrick, Laurence and Smith, Laurence (2014). Swindon: (Living with Environmental Change)
View this bookThe United Kingdom Case Study: Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) and collective action – Upstream Thinking in the South West of England
Smith, Laurence (2013). Paris: (OECD)
View this bookCommune agroecosystem analysis to support decision making for water allocation for fisheries and agriculture in the Tonle Sap wetland system
Senaratna, S.S., Mith, S., Hoanh, C.T., Johnston, Robyn, Baran, E., Dubois, Marc, Soeun, M., Craig, I., Nam, S. and Smith, Laurence (2010). Colombo, Sri Lanka: (Challenge Program for Water and Food)
View this bookToolkit for Monitoring and Evaluation of Agricultural Water Management Projects
Burton, Martin, Smith, Laurence and Roux, Julienne (2008). Washington D.C.: (The World Bank)
View this bookGuidance Manual: Management of Impacts of Irrigation Development on Fisheries
Lorenzen, K., Smith, Laurence, Nguyen-Khoa, S., Burton, Martin and Garaway, C. (2007). Colombo, Sri Lanka: (IWMI and WorldFish Center)
View this bookStakeholder-oriented valuation to support water resources management processes
Hermans, L., Renault, D., Emerton, L., Perrot-Maitre, D., Nguyen-Khoa, S. and Smith, Laurence (2006). Rome: (FAO Water Reports 30)
View this bookImpacts of Irrigation on Inland Fisheries: Appraisals in Laos and Sri Lanka
Nguyen-Khoa, S., Smith, Laurence and Lorenzen, K. (2005). Colombo, Sri Lanka: (Comprehensive Assessment Secretariat. Comprehensive Assessment Research Report 7)
View this bookAdaptive, Participatory and Integrated Assessment of the Impacts of Irrigation on Fisheries: Evaluation of the Approach in Sri Lanka
Nguyen-Khoa, S., Smith, Laurence and Lorenzen, K. (2005). Colombo, Sri Lanka: (International Water Management Institute. Working Paper 89)
View this bookThe Cash Crop Versus Food Crop Debate
Poulton, Colin, Al-Hassan, R., Cadisch, G., Reddy, C. and Smith, Laurence (2001). London: (DFID Crop Post-Harvest Programme Issues Paper 3)
View this bookOptions in Agricultural Policy [Contributing Paper prepared for Assessment of Irrigation Options, Thematic Review IV.2]
Smith, Laurence (2000).
View this bookIntegrating Fisheries Into Irrigation Planning and Management
Nguyen-Khoa, S., Smith, Laurence and Lorenzen, K. (2005).
View this publicationCommercial Financing of Seasonal Input Use by Smallholders in Liberalised Agricultural Marketing Systems
Dorward, Andrew, Kydd, Jonathan, Lyon, Fergus, Poole, Nigel, Smith, Laurence and Stockbridge, Mike (1998).
View this publicationKnowledge, Institutions and Capacity – Lessons for Water Resource Development and for Universities
Smith, Laurence (1998).
View this publication