Cosmologies, soteriologies and eschatologies of Zoroastriansim, Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Dualist, heretical, mystical, esoteric and apocalyptic trends in the Abrahamic faiths
Interplay and mutual influences of the Romano-Byzantine and Iranian worlds in antiquity and late antiquity
Islamic-Christian Religious and Cultural Syncretismss in Historical and Modern European, Arab and Iranian Contexts
Eastern Christian theologies and ideologies of warfare
Historical and modern Christian apocalyptic perceptions of Islam
Status of religious sites and cultural/archaeological reserve areas as well as the history and current situation of religious sectarian groups in minorities in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Middle East and Central Asia.
Defenders and Enemies of the True Cross: The Sasanian Conquest of Jerusalem in 614 and Byzantine Ideology of Anti-Persian Warfare
Stoyanov, Yuri (2011). Vienna, Austria: (Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften)
Christian Heretical Participation in the Rebellion of Börklüce Mustafa and Sheikh Bedreddin – Reappraising the Evidence
Stoyanov, Yuri, 2021, Studia Ceranea. Journal of the Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe (11), pp 443-461
Medieval Christian Dualist Perceptions and Conceptions of Biblical Paradise
Stoyanov, Yuri, 2013, Studia Ceranea. Journal of the Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe (3), pp 149-166
The Adoption of the Swedish Rite in Eighteenth-Century Russia – Acculturation, Power Politics and Mysticism
Stoyanov, Yuri (2021). In: Hartley, Janet M., (eds.) and Shaw, Denis J. B., (eds.), Magic, texts and travels: homage to a scholar, Will Ryan. London: Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia, pp 79-99
The Sacred Spaces and Sites of the Mediterranean in Contemporary Theological, Anthropological and Sociological Approaches and Debates
Stoyanov, Yuri (2020). In: Ferrari, Silvio, (eds.) and Benzo, Andrea, (eds.), Between Cultural Diversity and Common Heritage. Legal and Religious Perspectives on the Sacred Places of the Mediterranean. Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Routledge, pp 25-36
Modern and post-secular Alevi and Bektaşi religiosities and the Slavo-Turkic heretical imaginary
Stoyanov, Yuri (2019). In: Sosnowska, Danuta, (eds.) and Drzewiecka, Ewelina, (eds.), The Experience of Faith in Slavic Cultures and Literatures in the Context of Postsecular Thought. Warsaw: The University of Warsaw Press, pp 129-144
The role of religious institutions: Peace in Eastern Orthodoxy
Stoyanov, Yuri (2019). In: Kulnazarova, Aigul, (eds.) and Popovski, Vesselin, (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Global Approaches to Peace. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp 461-476
Esotericism and Visionary Mysticism in Medieval Byzantine and Slavonic Orthodox Pseudepigraphic and Heretical Literature
Stoyanov, Yuri (2018). In: Radulović, N., (ed.), Esotericism, Literature and Culture in Central and Eastern Europe. Belgrade: University of Belgrade, pp 13-29
St. Constantine-Cyril's Mission to the Abbasid Court and Eastern Orthodox Ideology of Warfare
Stoyanov, Yuri (2017). In: Panov, Mitko B., (ed.), The Byzantine Missionary Activity and Its Legacy in Europe. Skopje, North Macedonia: Euro-Balkan University, pp 19-28
Gnosis and “Gnosticism” in Alevi and Bektāşī Syncretism. Disputed Origins and New Directions for Research
Stoyanov, Yuri (2016). In: Amir-Moezzi, Mohammad Ali, (eds.), De Cillis, Maria, (eds.), De Smet, Daniel, (eds.) and Mir-Kasimov, Orkhan, (eds.), L'Ésotérisme shi'ite, ses racines et ses prolongements Shi'i Esotericism: Its Roots and Developments. Turnhout, Belgium: Belgium, pp 723-742
Stoyanov, Yuri (2015). In: Silverstein, Adam J., (eds.) and Stroumsa, Guy G., (eds.), Oxford Handbook of the Abrahamic Religions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 405-425
Eastern Orthodox Christianity: Religion, War and Ethics
Stoyanov, Yuri (2014). In: Reichberg, Gregory M., (eds.) and Syse, Henrik, (eds.), Religion, War, and Ethics A Sourcebook of Textual Traditions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 164-234
Apocalypticizing Warfare: From political theology to imperial eschatology in seventh-to early eighth-century Byzantium
Stoyanov, Yuri (2014). In: La Porta, Sergio, (eds.) and Bardakjian, Kevork, (eds.), The Armenian Apocalyptic Tradition. A Comparative Perspective. Leiden: Brill, pp 379-433
The Interchange between Religious Heterodoxies in the Balkans and Caucasus: The Case of the Paulicians
Stoyanov, Yuri (2012). In: Biliarsky, Ivan, (eds.), Oroveanu, Anca, (eds.) and Cristea, Ovidiu, (eds.), The Balkans and Caucasus: Parallel Processes on the Opposite Sides of the Black Sea. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp 106-116
Stoyanov, Yuri (2009). In: Popovski, Vesselin, (eds.), Reichberg, Gregory M., (eds.) and Turner, Nicholas, (eds.), World Religions and Norms of War. Tokyo: United Nations University Press, pp 166-220