Dr Stefanie Lotter

Key information

- Roles
- Department of Anthropology and Sociology Research Fellow Senior Teaching Fellow
- Department
- Department of Anthropology and Sociology
- Qualifications
- PhD (Heidelberg), MA (SOAS), PGDip (Leicester)
- Building
- Russell Square: College Buildings
- Office
- 460
- Email address
- sl70@soas.ac.uk
- Telephone number
- +44(0)20 7898 4711
Stefanie Lotter is a Research Fellow and Senior Teaching Fellow at SOAS University of London. She holds degrees in social anthropology (PhD University of Heidelberg, MA SOAS,) and museum studies (PGDip University of Leicester). She has worked as a teaching assistant at the University of Heidelberg, the University of the Witwatersrand and SOAS) and at museums, (the Horniman Museum in London, the Namgyal Institute of Tibetology in Gangtok and the Workers Museum in Johannesburg). With an interest in the anthropology of elites and in critical heritage studies, she is currently exploring the dynamics of heritage decision making in post conflict, post earthquake Nepal. She is Co-Investigator in the GCRF (through AHRC) project 'After the Earth's Violent Sway: The tangible and intangible legacies of a natural disaster'. A collaborative project led by SOAS with two partners, Social Science Baha and Martin Chautari in Nepal. Stefanie Lotter is also Co-Investigator of the British Academy funded project ‘Dignity Without Danger: Collaboratively Analysing Stigma and Taboos to Develop Innovative Strategies to Address Menstrual Exclusion in Nepal’ a project in collaboration with Liverpool John Moores University, Tribhuvan University and SOAS, that explores normativity of taboos. Aside from her work at SOAS, Stefanie Lotter is also an executive member of the Britain-Nepal Academic Council and works for Cambridge International Examinations on test construction.
Research interests
Nepali society and culture; museology; social and cultural anthropology of the Himalaya; elite studies; heritage studies
Contact Stefanie
- Telephone