Commonwealth Migration: learning from the past, anticipating the future

Key information

6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Russell Square: College Buildings
Khalili Lecture Theatre

About this event

Professor Nigel Harris

Immigration from the countries of the Commonwealth has played an important part in creating modern day Britain. Yet from the 1960s through to the political debates of the present day it has also proven to be intensely controversial, polarising large parts of the population into pro- and anti-migration campaigns.

To mark the significance of the 50th anniversary of the first Commonwealth Immigrants Act, the scholar and prominent commentator on immigration policy, Professor Nigel Harris, will set out his views on the world created by immigration control legislation and ask whether this approach will be sustainable if future years see a shift in the global economic and political order.

Organiser: Migrants' Rights Network

Contact email: Ms Maryam Pasha; Dr Reza Gholami

Sponsor: Centre for Migration and Diaspora Studies; Migration Research Cluster, Department of Development Studies; The Commonwealth Society; The Ramphal Centre