School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics & Department of Linguistics

Professor Anne Pauwels

Key information

School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Emeritus Professor
PhD (Monash)
Email address


Anne Pauwels is Professor of Sociolinguistics at SOAS, I was Head of the College of Arts and Law at the University of Birmingham. Before that I worked for nearly 30 years in Australian Universities including the Universities of Western Australia, Wollongong, New England and Monash .

My first degree was in Germanic Philology, University of Antwerp (Belgium). I gained an MA and a PhD from Monash University, Australia. My dissertations were concerned with questions of language contact and multilingualism in Australia. I held the Foundation Chair of Linguistics at the University of New England and in 1995 I was elected Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia [FASSA].

My research deals with the social and sociolinguistic aspects of language and communication, with particular attention to multilingual and transnational settings. My main research foci include multilingualism, language maintenance/shift, language policy in relation to language learning in schools and universities as well as various aspects of the relationship between gender and language.

My most recent book publications include Language and Communication: Diversity and Change (2007, Mouton De Gruyter), Maintaining minority languages in a transnational context (2007, Palgrave Macmillan) and Boys and language learning (2008/2005, Palgrave Macmillan). My publications output to date includes over 100 refereed articles and book chapters as well as 17 books (authored and edited). I have held several research grants in the area of multilingualism, language contact and gender and language. My current research focuses on two areas, (1) multilingualism and Australian diaspora and (2) multilingualism in the academy.

My linguistic activism is focused on the promotion of the learning of languages in education, in particular the learning of community and minority languages, and on assisting minority/migrant communities in their language maintenance efforts as well as on addressing issues of race and gender in communication.

Research interests

My research expertise and interests include multilingualism; language maintenance &shiftlanguage policy and language planning in relation to education, multilingual societies, gender/ethnicity; gender and language; applied linguistics, intercultural communication.

I am happy to supervise students interested in these and related topics.

Inaugural Lecture

Prof Anne Pauwels Inaugural Lecture: Politics of Multilingualism and Language Learning: Who Benefits?

PhD Supervision

Name Title
Nahida Ahmed
Aiko Otsuka Pragmatic strategies in face-to-face interactions and emails by Japanese speakers and Japanese Sign Language users: Focus on Japanese Sign Language users' use of Japanese and their perceptions
Meriem Sallemine
Heather Ayn Todd Ethnobiological inventories of a multilingual community in Cameroon
Martha Tsutsui A Documentation and Description of Disappearing Predicates in Southern Amami-Ōshima


Contact Anne