Johns Hopkins SAIS, Italy

SOAS–Johns Hopkins SAIS Dual Masters programme

The departments of Development, Politics and International Studies and Economics at SOAS are offering a Dual Masters programme in collaboration with Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Bologna campus, Italy. 

About the programme

Under the programme, students from both SAIS and SOAS have the opportunity to conduct 2-years of study in International Affairs in combination with studies in Economics, Development Studies or Politics at two of the world’s leading universities in these fields. Students can be awarded both an MSc from SOAS and a Master of Arts in International Affairs (MAIA) from SAIS.

SAIS will also award Annual partial Fellowships to certain cooperative degree students from SOAS who are selected and meet the admission requirements for the MAIA degree programme.

Students can start their studies either with SAIS Europe or SOAS:

  • Students who enrol for a 2-year Master of Arts in International Affairs (MAIA) degree at the SAIS Europe campus in Bologna can apply to spend their second year at SOAS, choosing from a broad range of Masters programmes offered by the SOAS Departments of Economics, Development Studies, and Politics and International Studies.
  • Students who start an eligible 1-year MSc degree at SOAS can apply to spend a second year of study at SAIS Europe in Bologna and earn a MAIA in addition to their SOAS MSc degree.

The cooperative SAIS-SOAS degree programme includes the following 10 Masters programmes at SOAS:

Department of Economics

Department of Politics and International Studies

Department of Development Studies

Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy

SAIS students may be eligible for a reduced fee on their programme of study at SOAS and SOAS students may be eligible for a reduced fee on their programme of study at SAIS. Please check with each institution for more details.

SAIS will also award annual partial fellowships to certain cooperative degree students from SOAS who are selected and meet the admission requirements for the MAIA degree programme.

About the partner

The SAIS Bologna Center is the European campus of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. SAIS in Europe is distinguished by strong faculty-student relationships, vigorous debate and a cohesive social and intellectual community. 

Exposure to contrasting European and U.S. perspectives on global issues and its strategic location in the MENA region offer a distinctive academic advantage—making for an enriching experience.

Find out more and apply

To be eligible, current SAIS students will need to apply for one of the SOAS programmes as listed above during their first year of study, or vice versa for students of SOAS. Students should apply by the deadline and meet the entry requirements of the relevant programme.