SOAS Global Development


SOAS is one of the world’s leading institutions for the study of global development. Our cutting-edge scholarship shapes debates, influences policymaking and amplifies perspectives from the global South, helping to make development processes more just, progressive, and sustainable. 

With over 200 members, the College of Development, Economics, and Finance (CODEF) is the hub for global development analysis, but SOAS researchers are also actively researching development issues from across the Colleges of Politics, Law and Anthropology, and the Humanities. With its unique regional focus, creative inter-disciplinarity, action-oriented scholarship, and location in the global city of London, SOAS Global Development is the focal point for path-breaking ideas about the global challenges facing the world, and how to tackle them.

Find out more about new research from the Departments of Economics and Development Studies and our exciting events with policymakers, activists, and thinkers from across the globe. Join us in person or online, or follow us on social media to take part in the big conversations about the way the world is changing, and the difference we can all make.



SOAS Global Development Seminar Series 2024/25

SOAS Global Development convenes seminar series which brings leading scholars as they tackle urgent and complex challenges shaping the future of global development. Upcoming seminars at SOAS SALT & Zoom:

Economics Seminar Series 2024/25

Upcoming seminars:

  • 26 February 2025: Policing the "Reserve" Wage: The Spatial Control of Unemployment, Carceral Labor Discipline, and Colonial Profitability in Depression-Era Kenya, by Jonathan Jenner (University of Manitoba) 
  • 12 March 2025: Daniela Gabor (SOAS Department of Economics)


Here are recordings of recently concluded seminars.

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