Philosophies in Conversation

Philosophies in Conversation is a double-blind peer reviewed, annual journal that emerges from the understanding of, and approach to, philosophy as a human and global experience and activity with a rich history emerging from different traditions and places of the world such as Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americas and the Middle East.
Fundamental philosophical questions such as ontological questions of being or reality, epistemological questions of knowledge, doubt, belief and cognition, axiological questions of the good, beauty and norms, have bordered all human cultures resulting in beautifully diverse and multifaced theories and approaches.
These rich and diverse world philosophies can only continue to flourish today by first, decolonising and deconstructing the received-view of philosophy in academia and higher education around the globe as essentially Western and allow for a robust and rich conversation among different philosophical traditions in the world to emerge; and second, encouraging and promoting a critical comparative discourse and dialogue on themes and issues in philosophy hinged on a hermeneutic ethic that sincerely seeks to understand and converse with different philosophical traditions.
Philosophies in Conversation therefore provides a forum for philosophers specialising in different philosophical traditions to achieve these cardinal objectives of a global approach to philosophy as it aims to provide original and scholarly essays in which at least two philosophical traditions are in conversation or critical, comparative dialogue on themes and issues in philosophy. The goal is to encourage a more diverse, inclusive and robust approach to philosophical problems, themes and issues, enriching and decolonising scholarly perspectives.
The journal also welcomes critical reviews of philosophy books that deal with philosophical issues from the perspectives of different philosophical traditions as well as short commentaries on related matters. The journal therefore has a very broad coverage of philosophical topics and issues that prospective contributors can focus on in so far as any submitted contribution meets the trio-criteria of being original and of high quality, dealing with a philosophical theme or issue, and focusing on perspectives on such philosophical issues and topics from the perspectives of at least two philosophical traditions of the world.
The first volume of this journal is expected at Autumn 2023. If you are interested in publishing in this journal please send your article to Articles submitted on or before June 30 of any year of publication will be considered for that year’s volume.
Editorial board
- Dr Elvis Imafidon, SOAS University of London
- Dr Sian Hawthorne, SOAS University of London
- Prof Hamid Dabashi, Columbia University
- Prof Richard King, SOAS University of London
- Dr Bjorn Freter, SOAS University of London
- Dr Andrew Hines, SOAS University of London
- Prof Ayman Shihadeh, SOAS University of London
- Dr Mpho Tshivhase, University of Pretoria
- Prof Peter Flugel, SOAS University of London
- Dr Anindita Baslev, Founder of Cross Cultural Conversation, Denmark
- Dr Jonathan Chimakonam, University of Pretoria
- Professor Bruce Janz, University of Central Florida
- Prof Thaddeus Metz, University of Pretoria
- Prof Anand Jayprakash Vaidya, San Jose State University
- Dr Shalini Sinha, University of Reading
- Prof Robert Benasconi, Pennsylvania State University
- Prof Catherine Botha, University of Johannesburg
- Prof Ulrich Pagel, SOAS University of London
- Prof Alena Retova, University of Bayreuth
- Prof Isaac E Ukpokolo, University of Ibadan
- Prof Polycarp Ikuenobe, Kent State University
- Dr James Caron, SOAS University of London
- Siseko Kumalo, University of Pretoria
- Prof Sarah Stewart, SOAS University of London
- Prof Arshin Adib-Moghaddam, SOAS University of London
- Prof Marzenna Jakubczak, Pedagogical University of Cracow
- Prof Cat Prueitt, University of British Columbia
- Prof Peter Park, University of Texas at Dallas
- Prof Loriliai Biernack, University of Colorado at Boulder
- Prof Ruth Hagengruber, University of Paderborn