SOAS South Asia Institute

The SOAS South Asia Institute (SSAI) represents the most extensive and diverse community of scholars working on South Asia of any university in Europe.
While most of its members’ research and teaching activities are related primarily to India, the SSAI also provides a home for scholars whose work focuses on Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Bhutan. The institute has a growing number of partnerships with universities and research institutes in South Asia which provide a basis for mutually beneficial collaborations in both teaching and research.
It works to strengthen links with SOAS alumni, particularly in South Asia, and to secure philanthropic funding to enhance SOAS’s reach and impact in South Asian Studies and ensure the future sustainability of its more specialised scholarship. It makes the expertise of its members more widely available to the wider world by engaging with governments, businesses, NGOs the charity sector, the media, and beyond.
In collaboration with SOAS's Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy, it offers an online postgraduate programme in Global Diplomacy (South Asia) for diplomats and interested persons worldwide
SOAS academics working on South Asia have been incredibly successful at securing external funding.
Amongst us, we have four significant awards from the European Research Council, two major research contracts with the Department for International Development and awards from the Economic and Social Research Council, British Academy and Arts and Humanities Research Council.
We believe that our success is an external recognition of the high quality nature of our research engagement with the region. The institute delivers interdisciplinary research seminars; organises high profile lecture events; and facilitates symposiums and lectures on current affairs.
Here are some recordings of events hosted by the SOAS South Asia Institute. More can be found at SOAS youtube channel.
Contact us
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Once you have joined the list you will receive emails informing you of events organised by the Institute, and news from other academic institutions that may be of interest to you.