SOAS Studies in Music Series

SOAS Studies in Music Series
Series Editors:
Editorial Board:
- Professor Kwasi Ampene (University of Michigan)
- Professor Linda Barwick (University of Sydney)
- Professor Travis A. Jackson (University of Chicago)
- Professor Noriko Manabe (Temple University)
- Dr Moshe Morad (Israeli Broadcast Authority)
- Professor Suzel Reily (Universidade Estadual de Campinas)
- Professor Henry Spiller (University California Davis)
- Professor Martin Stokes (Kings College London)
- Professor Richard Widdess (SOAS University of London)
SOAS Studies in Music is today one of the world’s leading series in the discipline of ethnomusicology. Our core mission is to produce high-quality, ethnographically rich studies of music-making in the world’s diverse musical cultures. We publish monographs and edited volumes that explore musical repertories and performance practice, critical issues in ethnomusicology, sound studies, historical and analytical approaches to music across the globe. We recognize the value of applied, interdisciplinary and collaborative research, and our authors draw on current approaches in musicology and anthropology, psychology, media and gender studies. We welcome monographs that explore global contemporary, classical and popular musics, the effects of digital mediation and transnational flows.
The series editors welcome approaches from prospective authors. If you're thinking about submitting a proposal, take a look at the Routledge guidelines and do feel free to get in touch with the series editors, or with our commissioning editor at Routledge, Constance Ditzel. You can also seek advice from our Editorial Board who collectively embody a huge range of regional and methodological interests.
We have a strong record of publishing with an outstanding global and diverse group of authors, and we are committed to encouraging and supporting new voices. We offer feedback on proposals direct from our series editors and Editorial Board, and we have a robust and supportive peer review process. Where we think it might be helpful, we offer our authors individually tailored sessions with editors, board members or reviewers to discuss how best to respond to reviewer feedback.
Full details can be found on the Routledge site.