
The College of Law, Anthropology and Politics brings together over 300 researchers, including academic staff, research associates and PhD Researchers, who study the cultural, political and legal processes and dynamics of societies in the Global South.

We host a number of vibrant research hubs, such as the Centre for Migration and Diaspora Studies, the Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy, the Feminist Centre for Racial Justice, the Centre on Conflict, Rights and Justice, and the Centre for Human Rights Law. We are also home to dozens of externally funded research projects and programmes focused on, for example, the anthropology of mental health, ethnography of parliaments, refugee crises and policy-making, race and policing, and anti-corruption studies.

By actively engaging and exchanging ideas with international partners and non-academic communities, we aim to drive social change and build a better world.

"Our research forges connections between social movements, activists and thinkers, through a nuanced exploration of socio-cultural, political and legal processes and dynamics with a focus on the Global South. 


By critically linking global forces and state institutions with actors on the ground, we give a voice to those often forgotten by Western research."

— Professor Jieyu Liu, Research and Knowledge Exchange Convenor for College of Law, Anthropology and Politics

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