About the gallery

Weclome to the SOAS Gallery

The SOAS Gallery is a vibrant gallery located in the heart of Bloomsbury, London that hosts a changing programme of contemporary and historical exhibitions from Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

Since opening in 1996, the SOAS Gallery, SOAS has hosted over 200 exhibitions and projects by prominent artists, researchers, and academics with the aim is to present and promote cultures from these regions while being a student resource and public facility. Acting as a bridge between ongoing innovative research taking part at SOAS and external audiences, the gallery champions ongoing work and research within the regions, something unique in the London art scene. 

In 2007 a collection of artwork was formalised into the SOAS Object and Artwork Collection, which is stored and cared for by the Brunei Gallery and open for public view and research. With its focus on contemporary art, the collection of over 500 artwork and objects is steadily growing, ensuring future generations can enjoy the wonderful work held in the collection.

Promoting cultures from these regions and acting as a source of research for the public and students at SOAS, University of London alike, is core to our values. As well as increasing access and reducing barriers for anyone wishing to use the collection is essential to our aim objectives at the Brunei Gallery. 

Contact us

Contact information regarding exhibitions

For room bookings

Please contact roombooking@soas.ac.uk.