How to make the most of Welcome Week

Students share their experiences of Welcome Week, starting life at university, and offer advice for new students starting this September.

Welcome to SOAS. You are now part of an international community of students and academics right in the centre of London. As you settle in, Welcome Week is an excellent opportunity to explore all aspects of the student experience, online and in person. We asked second and third-year students to share their advice for making the most of the first few weeks of university. Here’s what they said…

Meet people from all over the world

‘Try and talk to as many people as you can. One of the many amazing aspects of SOAS is its incredible diversity across ages, backgrounds and, of course, the world. You’ll find your own world can get a lot bigger by just talking to those around you. Not everyone will have the same perspective, but the key is to remain open and lead compassionately.

'Make the most of your time with professors and lecturers. SOAS has some incredible academics and has been paving the way in progressive politics for a while now. There’s loads you can learn outside of just your course structure.’

‘The sheer number and diversity of societies was amazing! It really reflects how unique SOAS is. There were a lot of societies that other universities didn’t have! My first month flew by because I found great friends.’ 

‘The one thing I vividly remember during Welcome Week is the “Platonic Speed Dating” event. Making friends and breaking the ice was so much easier because of it. The people I met (both PG and UG students) at the various events during Freshers Fortnight continue to be my friends even after leaving SOAS.’ 

Two students chatting outside in front of SOAS banner

Get out of your comfort zone  

‘I wish I’d known how expansive and valuable my time would be at SOAS. I enjoyed immersing myself in extracurricular activities and continuing to have what were, at the time, some of the most mind-bending conversations as my worldview shifted around me – I definitely could have used a heads-up that my entire perspective on the world was about to change!' 

‘Engage in whatever way you can – don’t be afraid to expose yourself to new things and new ideas. If you have any queries or are unsure about anything, ask your lecturers and tutors, they’re much friendlier than you think!’ 

‘I would advise the next batch of students to get out of their comfort zone, talk to someone they find interesting and not be afraid to be weird. Oh! and don’t forget to enrol with one of the language classes at SOAS. It is a good opportunity to learn a new language with ease.’ 

‘I remember attending a talk in the JCR about fair wages for staff members and being inclusive — everyone used sign language for applause, which is standard practice in many activist spaces. I felt really proud to be entering a student body that prioritised inclusion so much.'

'Welcome Week felt almost like coming home, that I was in the right place with people who finally shared my views and where I could finally be accepted as myself. I came from a very conservative school where my identity was never accepted, and I often felt alone in my political beliefs, which was rather isolating. Welcome Week was an unbelievably welcoming and exciting experience I hope I shall never forget.’

I definitely could have used a heads-up that my entire perspective on the world was about to change!

Explore the campus and beyond 

‘I wish I’d used the different venues nearby, which I didn’t know about until much later, like the British Museum, the markets, theatres, and libraries. There are also so many different places to get student discounts and more. SOAS’ Careers Service is also great – as well as the learning and development team – especially for international students who may not be very familiar with the British education system.’ 

‘Take advantage of the resources in the library – it is one of the most prestigious libraries for African, Asian and the Middle East! They have everything and more.’ 

'Explore what London has to offer and try and go outside London to places like Brighton, Bath, St. Ives, Cornwall, etc. If you can, try and travel around in Europe as well because it is much more expensive to do it once you go back home.'

Allow yourself to rest, too 

‘I found my first few months at SOAS exhilarating but exhausting; prioritise your physical, spiritual, and mental health, don’t push yourself for the sake of it, take time to rest. I promise you won’t miss out.’ 

Start off your SOAS journey by getting involved in all that Welcome Week 2023 has to offer, including academic talks, language tasters and the Student Unions' Freshers Fortnight.

About the author

Imogen Ashfield is the Content Editor at SOAS, University of London. If you're interested in writing for the SOAS Blog, get in touch with her at