On Campus History Masterclass for Year 12s and 13s

Key information

10:00 am to 1:00 pm

About this event

How has colonialism shaped the way we see and study the world today? And what can we do about it?

The second half of the twentieth century saw many European colonies win independence, yet it is widely argued that this is only the beginning of wider processes of decolonisation. In this class we will explore the legacies of empire beyond formal political rule and think about the different ways in which imperialism continues to shape our lives today, including how we see and learn about the world. We will also see how critical thinking in education and research has led to a challenging of these views and to opening up more nuanced ways to think about the past, and our present.

To understand this debate we will focus on a particular case study – the question of linguistic imperialism – examining how this legacy plays out in education systems, and in the way people identify and are identified by others. Led by SOAS staff and students, this interactive session will support students to think about history, and society today, in more careful and analytical ways.

Participants will develop their critical thinking, public speaking and analytical skills.

On Campus Masterclasses are subject based and are three hours long. They consist of a topic based lecture and interactive activity, led by a SOAS academic. There is also a campus tour and a workshop on Higher Education led by Student Ambassadors.

  • Date: Monday 6 November 2023
  • Time: 10.00am – 1.00pm
  • Location: This event is taking place on the SOAS Campus
  • Audience: Year 12 and 13s 


To apply, please complete the online application form by Wednesday 25 October 2023.

This SOAS event is a widening participation activity designed to give students a first-class experience of study at HE level. It is free. Students who meet at least one of the following criteria will be prioritised:

  • First generation in family to attend university in the UK
  • Eligible or previously eligible for free school meals
  • Experience of local authority care
  • From an area of low progression to higher education (as measured by Polar 4 data)


If you have any questions about this event please email st47@soas.ac.uk.