School of Law, Gender and Media

Dr Justine K Collins

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School of Law, Gender and Media USAWA Postdoctoral Fellow
Dr Jur, Law: Goethe University, Germany; MA  (Dual Degree) Global Politics & Law: Sheffield University, UK and International Comparative Law and ASEAN Politics: Doshisha University, Japan; LLM International Financial Law: University of Manchester, UK; PGCe Commercial Law: Bristol; LLB Law, Manchester, UK.


Dr Justine K Collins is the USAWA Postdoctoral Fellow in the School of Law.

She is a legal historian and specialises in the intersection of law and society particularly within colonial slavery laws of the Atlantic World. She completed her doctoral studies at the Goethe University Frankfurt in conjunction with the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History and Legal Theory in Frankfurt, Germany.

Her thesis engaged legal comparative analysis to trace the origins and influences of the British Caribbean slavery codes. This thesis research - Tracing British West Indian Slavery: An Analysis of Legal Transplants - was published by Routledge in 2021.

      Research interests

      Legal history; comparative international laws; property law; colonial slavery laws; indigenous studies; private international law.


      • Indigenous colonial slavery and regulation in the English Atlantic World
      • SOAS School of Law's Carceral Policy, Policing and Race project