The SOAS China Institute welcomes President of the World Bank

On Tuesday 28 March 2023, the SOAS China Institute welcomed David Malpass, President of the World Bank at SOAS.

He was greeted by academic and corporate members of the SOAS China Institute for conversations under the Chatham House rule. There was a free exchange of views and discussion on China’s economic and financial prospect, its engagement with the rest of the world particularly on development issues, and the challenges which China and the world face.

Professor Steve Tsang, Director of the SOAS China Institute said: “The frank exchanges with Mr Malpass helped members of the Institute gain insights on how China is being seen by one of the world’s top economists in charge of a leading international financial institution. It also showcases the depth and breadth of China expertise at SOAS.”

Hong Bo, Professor in Financial Economics at SOAS participated in the discussion and said: "I enjoyed the discussion with David, who has a vast knowledge about China. I found the conversation about China’s initial attempt to establish an interbank market, and the reasons why it was unsuccessful, especially interesting."