SOAS in the Media 13 - 19 December

Expert comment on global news topics from the past week 

  • Mike Jennings writes for The Conversation about the inconsistencies in the UK government's asylum process and how it has little understanding of the situations people are fleeing.
  • Phil Clark comments on African mediation and diplomatic efforts to mediate conflict in the region for Deutsche Welle.
  • The Citizen reports on SOAS Director, Adam Habib's comments on the political situation in South Africa.
  • Joanna Nolan appeared on BBC Radio 3's Free Thinking to discuss the concept of lists and question whether lists are ever private languages 
  • Steve Tsang discusses the suppression of the anti-lockdown protests in China on LBC.
  • Steve Tsang appears on BBC Newsday to discuss the Covid-19 outbreak in China and states that China is not providing a clear picture of the scale of the outbreak. He also discussed the easing for the restrictions for Monocle
  • Steve Tsang comments on the Chinese Communist Party's handling of the prosecution of activists including Jimmy Lai for Foreign Policy and DNyuz.
  • Steve Tsang and Burzine Waghmar were invited by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on the Indo-Pacific to deliver briefings at the House of Commons on 14 Dec as covered by Asian Lite and Dev Discourse.
  • Saeed Zeydabadi-Nejad speaks to the Green Left about the ongoing protests in Iran against the Islamic regime.
  • Annabelle Sreberny discusses human rights in Iran and the history of the hijab in the country on Arirang News. 
  • Obituary in the Times to former SOAS researcher, Nathan Sivasambu.
  • SOAS alumni take part in University Challenge's Christmas special on BBC 2