SOAS in the Media: 20 Dec - 2 Jan

Expert comment on global news topics from the past week  

  • Emma Crewe writes about how young women in politics have always faced prejudice for The Conversation, Devdiscourse and The Week.

  • Victor Murinde, comments on the ways in which Uganda is in the process of transitioning from a low-income to a middle-income country, covered by Peril of Africa and Soft Power News

  • Steve Tsang discusses China and Taiwan relations on BBC Radio 4's Today programme as Taiwan extends contemporary military service.
  • Steve Tsang, reflects on Xi Jinping securing a third term and the Chinese leader's 2022 for The Guardian.
  • Steve Tsang, comments on Xi Jinping and the country's plans for economic growth for Bloomberg and Chinese ownership of British business for The Times.  
  • Steve Tsang, comments on Xi Jinping and China's grip on power following the Covid-19 lockdown U-turn for The Guardian, The I and Newsweek
  • Steve Tsang comments on Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin's relationship for The I and RFERL
  • Phil Clark comments on the ongoing civil conflict in the DRC for The I
  • Yannis Dafermos spoke to Al Jazeera about why the rich get richer during global crises. 
  • Wayne Dooling discusses the Soweto uprising and Nelson Mandela's incarceration on the BBC World Service. 
  • Interview with Rachel Dwyer about academic research of Indian cinema in Outlook India. 
  • Interview with Gilbert Achcar on the Ukraine war and the idea of peace for Democracy now
  • Interview with Katy Shahandeh on women and the revolutionary movement in Iran for Manoto TV. 
  • Marcus Gilroy discussed the prospect of Elon Musk stepping down as Chief Executive of Twitter on BBC News. 
  • Antoni Andreoni writes about how industrial policy can guide the energy transition for Linkiesta.
  • Colin Shindler writes about Israeli spy, Rafi Eitan, for the Jerusalem Post
  • Lisa Tilley, comments on how ecological dead zones are a paradise for pathogens for openDemocracy.
  • Jim Hoare discusses the difficulty of establishing bilateral ties between the UK and North Korea for NK News and spoke about South Korean policy towards North Korea for TVP. 
  • Duncan Bartlett writes about the significance of the anti-lockdown protests in China and their impact on policy for Asian Affairs. 
  • The Scotsman republished Mike Jenning's article for the Conversation about the inconsistencies in the UK government's asylum process and how it has little understanding of the situations people are fleeing.