SOAS in the media 30 May - 5 Jun

  • Steve Tsang was interviewed live on AJ about China's policy on artificial intelligence. 
  • Nick Westcott spoke to the Washington Post about Middle Eastern monarchies.
  • Duncan Bartlett analysed for Japan Forward North Korea’s announcement that it intends to launch a military satellite.
  • Lord Dr Michael Hastings was quoted in this article about decentralising local democracy - Kent Bylines
  • Steve Tsang spoke to NBC about the difficulties behind China wanting to improve relations with the US.
  • Duncan Bartlett interviews Jonathan Fenby who analyses Joe Biden’s claim that there is likely to be a “thaw” in relations between China and the US - Buzzsprout
  • Stephen Chan spoke on BBC Radio 4's Analysis programme (04:20:00) about the changes that brought Nelson Mandela to power in South Africa. 
  • Karabekir Akkoyunlu provided comment to Politico about Turkey's new finance chief announcing a return to ‘rational' economics.
  • Duncan Bartlett assessed the implications for regional security in East Asia of a rapprochement between Japan and South Korea - Asian Affairs
  • Lina Khatib spoke to Vice about Syria's reentry into the Arab League in relation to Assad's promise to crack down on the drug captagon.
  • Colin Shindler wrote an opinion piece for Jewish News about Yigal Amir, who murdered Israel's former prime minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995.
  • Avinash Paliwal spoke to about how China’s increasing investments in Bangladesh is the “most dominant factor” at play in the Washington-Dhaka tussle.
  • Sabine Cadeau spoke to the Guardian about her work on the legacies of the enslavement inquiry.
  • Duncan Bartlett wrote an analysis about the meeting between the Chinese and Japanese defence ministers at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore - Japan Forward
  • Haim Bresheeth wrote for the Electronic Intifada titled "Israel’s upheaval is Palestine’s opportunity".
  • Avinash Paliwal provided comment to the Guardian about how Imran Khan’s political position as Pakistan army takes down party.
  • Costas Lapavitsas book "The Cost of Living Crisis (And How to Get Out of it)" was reviewed by the Morning Star.
  • Sanjay Srivastava wrote for the Indian Express about how women wrestlers in India are fighting battles to break their silence and challenge the male order.
  • Awino Okech wrote for the Conversation about Uganda’s anti-homosexuality law could be seen as a patriarchal backlash against progress.
  • Steve Tsang gave comment to Bloomberg about Rishi Sunak's attempts to fix relationship with China.
  • Wilson Erumebor spoke to Business Day about how the Nigerian President’s move to end petrol subsidies sparks chaos.