SOAS in the media 5-11 Sep

  • Hyun Seon Lee wrote an in-depth analysis of the film 'Past Lives' for the Conversation about its luxurious and lingering portrayal of lost love and identity in the Korean diaspora.
  • Steve Tsang spoke to the New York Times about the researcher in Parliament who was found to be a foreign agent and how this affected Britain’s relations with Beijing.
  • Jim Hoare was interviewed live on TVP World about the G20 summit in Delhi. 
  • Aziz Isa Elkun spoke to Deutsche Welle about President Xi's visit to the Uyghur region where there are over 1 million Uyghurs reportedly detained in so-called "reeducation camps."
  • Avinash Paliwal spoke to the Guardian about the democratic erosion of India and whether this would be raised at the G20 summit held there. 
  • Burzine Waghmar appeared on Republic TV and Times Now to speak about the Ukraine-Russia war and the G20 summit in Delhi. 
  • Ha-Joon Chang wrote for the Financial Times about a fantasy dinner party where a cast of creative problem solvers are gathered to put the world to rights.
  • Steve Tsang spoke to Deutsche Welle about President Xi's absence at the G20 summit, also published in English here. 
  • Dafydd Fell published an article in Taiwan Insight on the origins of the European Association of Taiwan Studies. 
  • Steve Tsang spoke to Newsweek about how the US Military may be replicating China's island base strategy.
  • Jim Hoare provided briefing to the Sunday Express on North Korean/Russian relations, in the light of reports that the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, may meet Vladimir Putin in Vladivostoc.
  • Colin Shindler wrote for the Times's Thunderer Column about Rosh Hashana and 'Judicial Reform'.
  • Duncan Bartlett appeared on Asharq TV to discuss the potential economic advantages to countries which are linked to China through the BRICS project.
  • Steve Tsang provided comment to Axios about the U.K. and the PRC's need for effective diplomatic channels at the ministerial level.
  • Duncan Bartett wrote for Japan Forward about the relationship between India and Japan following a meeting between the leaders of the two countries at the G20 in New Delhi.
  • Steve Tsang spoke to VOA Cantonese about recent events including China, the UK Foreign Secretary's visit, Taiwan, Russia, and more.