School of Law, Gender and Media

Suraj Girijashanker

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School of Law, Gender and Media Visiting Scholar
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Suraj Girijashanker is an Assistant Professor at Jindal Global Law School in India where he teaches International Human Rights Law and International Refugee Law. He is also pursuing his Doctorate in Juridical Science from UCLA School of Law as a Distinguished Graduate Fellow with the Promise Institute for Human Rights. His doctoral project under the supervision of Professor E. Tendayi Achiume focuses on the nexus between race, empire and displacement in relation to Afghan and Iraqi refugees.   

Prior to transitioning to academia, Suraj primarily worked in the field of refugee law and protection, including with UNHCR offices in Egypt and Turkey, the Ministry of Justice in New Zealand, and Manus Island Regional Processing Centre in Papua New Guinea. His broader interests including sexual orientation, gender identity and the law and is the author of the report “Activism and Resilience: LGBTQ Progress in the Middle East and North Africa”, based on findings from 40 in-country interviews with advocates in Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia.  

As a Visiting Scholar with the Centre for Human Rights Law, Suraj will study the implications of Britain’s colonial legacy on human rights in Brunei Darussalam, specifically in relation to the adoption of the Syariah Penal Code Order (SPCO) (2013). This project is of particular interest to him as he was born and raised in Brunei. 

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