Celebrating LGBTQIA+ History Month at SOAS

SOAS will once again participate in LGBTQIA+ History Month, an annual celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual trans, and non-binary history. 

Throughout February, we'll be hosting a series of LGBTQIA+ events and initiatives to honour the history, celebrate achievements, and foster awareness of the diverse experiences within the LGBTQIA+ community. Events announced so far include a banner making workshop celebrating queer liberation, a trip to the UK's first and only LGBTQ+ museum, a pub quiz hosted by SOAS's LGBTQIA+ community, and a Pride screening followed by a discussion on solidarity between queer and working class communities as part of the Enough is Enough campaign.

LGBTQIA+ History Month was first celebrated in February 2005, and every year sets a different theme that helps celebrate and ‘Usualise’ LGBTQIA+ lives in their full diversity. For 2024 the national theme is Medicine, where the community will be celebrating LGBTQIA+ peoples’ contribution to medicine both historically and now.

Image by Jakayla Toney via Unsplash