Centre of Buddhist Studies


The Centre of Buddhist Studies’ key mission is to be a catalyst for learning, research and outreach on Buddhism in Asian societies and globally, past and present. 

The SOAS Centre of Buddhist Studies (CBS) is a hub of distinguished Buddhist scholarship that generates synergy among academics and research students, from SOAS and beyond, involved in the study of Buddhism in Asian societies. It is composed of 17 permanent members of staff and emeriti, as well as a pool of associate and graduate student members from SOAS and other UK institutions.

This not only brings energy and new ideas, it also enables new audiences to appreciate and understand some of the cutting-edge research currently carried out on Buddhism.


Here are some of the past lectures hosted by the SOAS Centre of Buddhist Studies. More are available on the SOAS YouTube channel.

Event series

The Buddhist Forum, established in 1987, is a long-standing and well reputed lecture series organized by the Centre of Buddhist Studies. It offers a venue for international scholars, as well as for SOAS and local academics involved in the Study of Buddhism, to present their latest research to a wide and interested audience.  
The SOAS Centre of Buddhist Studies has been awarded a donation to support the The  Buddhist Forum  lecture series, from 2017/18 onwards. 

Buddhist monk, Cambodia

CBS news and updates

If you would like to receive CBS news, please click below or send an email to hs77@soas.ac.uk with your email address, first name, and surname.

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The scholarships and prizes listed below are not limited to students of Buddhism at SOAS, but they fall within the category of grants for which all students of Buddhism at SOAS can apply and compete for along with students studying other disciplines and religions.

SOAS offers several scholarships and prizes, and administers certain grants sponsored by other external bodies. A number of scholarships is also provided by the University of London, the British Government, and other scholarship agencies.


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