Counting on Family? Leadership team composition of firms with rural origin founders in China

Key information

5:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Main Building, SOAS

About this event

Although initiatives to promote equality, diversity, and inclusion are gaining widespread acceptance among corporate elites, less attention has been paid to firm leaders from disadvantaged backgrounds.

This study explores how socially discriminated firm leaders use family to overcome their market disadvantages. In the context of China, we examine founding leaders with rural family origins—rural founders, who face discrimination in the Chinese urban–rural chasm. Drawing on the family embeddedness perspective, we argue that rural founders are more likely to use family members on leadership teams, while this effect is mitigated by achieved prestige at founder and firm levels.

Furthermore, we argue that the use of family members is more likely to contribute to firm performance for rural founders. Using data on Chinese privately founded listed firms, we find support for our arguments. Our study offers novel insights and evidence about how family embeddedness can help socially discriminated firm leaders address market disadvantages and gain competitive performance.

Photo by Serg Balak via Unsplash

About the speaker

Renfei Gao is a Presidential Fellow (equivalent to assistant professor) at Alliance Manchester Business School, the University of Manchester. He obtained PhD in Management at the University of Melbourne, Australia. His research interests include behavioral strategy, strategic leadership, nonmarket strategy, and international business, particularly in the context of emerging markets like China.

His papers have appeared in leading journals and conference proceedings, such as Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Journal of Product Innovation Management, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Strategic Organization, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, and Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. His research was recognized by various awards, such as AOM Best Paper Award on Emerging Markets, and AIB-UKI Best Early Career Researcher Paper.


  • Dr Huan Zou, School of Finance and Management, SOAS University of London


This event is open to the public and free to attend, however registration is required. 

Please note that this seminar is taking place on campus and will not be recorded or live-streamed.
