Cultural Industries and Cultural Policy in Asia

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1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
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Anthony Y.H. Fung (The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Beijing Normal University) & Shin Dong Kim (Hallym University, Korea)
Part I: Cultural Industries and Cultural Policy in China: A case study of game industries by Anthony Y.H. Fung
The talk focuses on the development of creative industries in China with game industries as an example of cultural commodities that is subjected to both constraints of the market and of the politics, which, at some points, can be contradictory to each other. Specifically, it highlights how the state has managed the development of game industries with both measures for protecting the local game markets and measures to ensure that ideologies of game content do not deviate too much from state ideologies, but at the same time, Chinese games can serve as soft power of China.
Part II: Cultural Industries and Cultural Policy in Korea by Shin Dong Kim
The rapid development of Korea's cultural industries in film, drama, games, and other areas has attracted global attention in recent years. State policy on the cultural industries was one of the most and frequent topics of interest. While the state of Korea has tried to develop its own policy to support the culture industries, it's realistic role and impact for the development seem to be uch overstated. As the misconceived argument keeps being circulated, it is establishing its own fake truth. It's about time for us to straighten up the misunderstandings. We will also discuss the state intervention in comparison of the Chinese case.
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Speakers Biographies
Anthony Y.H. Fung is Director of Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies and Director of Global Studies Program at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is also Professor in the School of Journalism and Communication at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Professor in the School of Art and Communication at Beijing Normal University at Beijing. His research interests and teaching focus on popular culture and cultural studies, popular music, gender and youth identity, cultural industries and policy, and digital media studies. He published widely in international journals, and authored and edited more than 20 Chinese and English books. His recent books are Youth Cultures in China (2016 under Polity Press) (coauthored with de Kloet), Global Game Industries and Cultural Policy (2016 under Palgrave Macmillan), Hong Kong Game Industry, Cultural Policy and East Asian Rivalry (2018 under Rowman & Littlefield), and Made in Hong Kong: Studies in Popular Music (Routledge, 2020).
Shin Dong Kim is Professor at the Media School of Hallym University in Korea. His research and teaching area covers culture industries and policy, global media culture, east Asian cinema and history, etc. He served as the Visiting Professor to the Chinese University of Hong Kong in the last semester. Aside from his university duty, he is leading a civic think tank, Knowledge Coop for Good Governance located in Seoul. The Coop publishes policy papers and organizes seminars and fora among other activities. Dr. Kim recently published on the digitalization of the K-pop, and globalization of the Korean film industry. He also is working on 'media coevolution' which conceptualizes the mutual development of platforms and contents in media industries.
This webinar will take place online via Zoom. Click here to register
Chair: Professor Rachel Harris, SOAS University of London
Organiser: SOAS China Insitute
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