International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy

The International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE) was founded in 2006 to promote Marxist political economy and other political economy and heterodox schools in economics through critical and constructive engagement with mainstream economics and heterodox alternatives, policy alternatives and activism. It is a pluralistic forum with a wide international membership where all progressive brands of political economy are welcome.
Working groups
The backbone of IIPPE, 22 in number, they facilitate discussion and collaboration. Activities include (training) workshops, conference panels, online debates, exchange of literature and other resources. Our working groups include:
- Africa
- Agrarian Change
- Beyond Developmental State
- Commodity Studies
- Conflict, War and Development
- Environment
- Financialisation
- History of Economic Thought, Economic Methodology and Critique of the Mainstream
- Marxist Political Economy
- Moving Beyond Capitalism
- Neoliberalism
- Political Economy and Religions
- Political Economy of China’s Development
- Political Economy of Work
- Poverty
- Privatisation
- Progressive European Policies
- Social Capital
- Social Reproduction
- Teaching Political Economy
- Urban and Regional Political Economy
- World Economy
More information about IIPPE Working Groups.
Training workshops
One- and two-day workshops on various topics, including publishing workshops and workshops on Marxian political economy, its controversies, and its contemporary relevance. For undergraduate and postgraduate students, junior academics and interested activists. Recent topics include Class Structure and Class Formation; Critique of Mainstream Economics and Alter- natives; Finance and Crisis; Imperialism; Introduction to Marx’s Economics; Periodisation; Privatisation; Productive and Unproductive Labour; Social Reproduction; Value and Price; Value and Profit.
How to get involved
- Become a free member for free subscription to the IIPPE mailing list; participate in all IIPPE activities except the Annual Conference and IIPPE decision-making, or get full membership for participation in Annual Conference and IIPPE decision-making. More information on how to join IIPPE and IIPPE membership.
- Follow IIPPE on Twitter, Facebook and Soundcloud for regular updates and reminders for events, workshops and conferences and be up to date with new podcasts.
- Listen to recordings of past events on the IIPPE Podcast Channel.