School of Finance and Management

The School of Finance and Management (SFM) is a leading centre for research in finance and management in a global context as well as specialist knowledge on Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
We aim to develop policy makers who shape new developments as well as business leaders who create value for their companies and organizations. Our department is a source of game-changing ideas and opportunities for networking.
Our Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes are research-led and challenge-driven and they deliver teaching of the highest quality. They adopt a global perspective and enable participants to develop and enhance sound analytical thinking, personal drive and initiative, and effective communication. Master’s degree programmes are also offered through the distance learning Centre for Financial and Management Studies (CeFiMS).
Our Research programmes provide opportunities for advanced students to work towards MPhil and PhD degrees. Part of our research is carried out within the Centre for Global Finance and the Centre for Trust Research. Policy makers and practitioners from the private sector, international organisations and national governments also join SFM for their continuous professional development (CPD) programmes.

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