Konfuciansk statsmannakonst, folkets välfärd, och omhändertagandet av föräldralösa barn i traditionella Korea [Confucian statecraft, the wellbeing of the people, and the care of orhpaned children in traditional Korea]
fSûweden t’amhômga sûwen hedin ûi han’guk hwangje alhyôn kwa t’onggambu sônjôn saôp [Swedish Explorer Sven Hedin's Audience with the Emperor of Korea and Residency-General Propaganda]
Karlsson, Anders, 2004, Journal of Korean Culture (5), pp 5
Kukchôk ômnûn munhak, kukkyông ômnûn toksô: Han’guk munhak haeoe sogae e taehan myôt kaji saenggak [Literature without nationality, reading without borders: Some thoughts on introducing Korean literature abroad]
Därmed råder ingen tvekan om att dödsorsaken var sjukdom'' - Rättsmedicin och likbesiktning i 1800-talets Korea'' (''There is thus no doubt that the cause of death was disease'' - Forensic Medicine and Autopsy in 19th Century Korea
Minjung: Folket, historieforskning och frågan om Koreas modernisering (Minjung: The People, Historical Research and the Question of the Modernization of Korea)
Ch’ǒn’gǔm ǔi cha nǔn chǒja esǒ ch’ǒhyǒng toeji annǔnda: 17, 18 segi Chosǒn ǔi sahyǒng kwa hyosu ("Scions of Wealthy Families do not Die in the Marketplace": Death Penalty and Hyosu Punishment in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Chosǒn Korea)
Northern Territories and the Historical Understanding of Territory in Late Choson
Karlsson, Anders (2014). In: Jackson, Andrew David, (ed.), Key Papers on Korea: Essays Celebrating 25 Years of the Centre of Korean Studies, SOAS, University of London. Leiden: Brill, pp 61-77
Chônggamnok and the ideology of the Hong Kyôngnae rebellion
Karlsson, Anders (2001). In: Pak, Youngsook, (eds.) and Yeon, Jaehoon, (eds.), History, Language and Culture in Korea: Proceedings of the 20th Conference of the Association of Korean Studies in Europe (AKSE). London: Saffron Books (Eastern Art Publishing UK)
Death as a Socio-Political Event: An Alternative to some European Views on the Success of Dealing with Covid-19 in East Asia
Karlsson, Anders(2020). In: 17th Distinguished Overseas Scholar Invited Lecture, 24 November 2020 :Japan Research Centre, Dankook University, South Korea
Embracing the other: The interaction of Korean and foreign cultures - A Hermit Nation not for Everyone: First-Hand Contacts with Qing and Their Consequences in Late Choson P'yongan Province
Karlsson, Anders(2002). 1 Jan 2002 : Songnam, South Korea