School of History, Religions and Philosophies

Anne-Marie Misconi

Key information

School of History, Religions and Philosophies PhD researcher
BA Hons (Exeter), PG Dip (CIPR), MPhil (SOAS)
Email address
Thesis title
The Intellectual Formation of the Iraqi Orientalist, Dominique Bashir Misconi (1892-1933).
Internal Supervisors
Professor Gilbert Achcar


Anne-Marie graduated with a BA Hons in Arab Studies from Exeter University, specialising in comparative culture, religion and society with Dr. Ian R. Netton and Prof. Aziz al-Azmeh. She then spent a year in Baghdad, learning Classical Arabic at Mustansiriyah University. On returning to London, she researched and wrote about developing economies for Asian regional economic associations which led to three years in Singapore as an editor and communications strategist and a 15-year career in public relations. Following the destruction of the historic Iraqi city of Mosul, Anne-Marie began consulting private family archives to research the social and intellectual histories of Iraq. In 2019, she assisted at the Jews of Iraq conference, a collaboration between the SOAS Department of History, Religions and Philosophies, the University of Chicago’s Centre for Middle Eastern Studies and the British Institute for the Study of Iraq (BISI). She earnt her MPhil from SOAS in 2020 and is due to complete her doctoral thesis in 2024. Anne-Marie continues to study Arabic and has been awarded funding from SOAS Language Acquisitions Fund. She is a member of BISI and was appointed its Visiting Scholars Coordinator in 2022. 

Research interests

  • Orientalism 
  • Knowledge production and transmission 
  • Education, culture and society 
  • History of Iraq

Contact Anne-Marie