Pragmatic strategies in face-to-face interactions and emails by Japanese speakers and Japanese Sign Language users: Focus on Japanese Sign Language users' use of Japanese and their perceptions
Pizziconi, Barbara (2023). In: Derivry-Plard, Martine, (eds.), Liddicoat, Anthony J., (eds.) and ReN-AILA, Research Network, (eds.), La Médiation interculturelle en didactique des langues et des cultures / Intercultural mediation in teaching and learning languages and cultures. Paris: Editions des archives contemporaines, pp 39-43
Narratives of connecting – intercultural mediation during and after study abroad
Pizziconi, Barbara and Iwasaki, Noriko (2023). In: Derivry-Plard, Martine, (eds.) and Liddicoat, Anthony J., (eds.), La Médiation interculturelle en didactique des langues et des cultures / Intercultural mediation in teaching and learning languages and cultures. Paris: Editions des archives contemporaines, pp 126-137
Exploring Framing Categories in Language Learners' Intercultural Positioning: 'Asia' and 'the West'
Pizziconi, Barbara (2021). In: McConachy, Troy, (eds.) and Liddicoat, Anthony J., (eds.), Teaching and Learning Second Language Pragmatics for Intercultural Understanding. London: Routledge, pp 60-82
Pizziconi, Barbara (2020). In: Jacobsen, W. M., (eds.) and Takubo, Y., (eds.), Handbook of Japanese Semantics and Pragmatics. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, pp 733-772
Teaching and learning (im)politeness: A look at the CEFR and pedagogical research
Pizziconi, Barbara (2015). In: Pizziconi, Barbara, (eds.) and Locher, Miriam, (eds.), Teaching and Learning (Im)politeness. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp 113-151
Introducing the ‘Teaching’ and ‘Learning’ of (im)politeness
Pizziconi, Barbara and Locher, Miriam (2015). In: Pizziconi, Barbara, (eds.) and Locher, Miriam, (eds.), Teaching and Learning (Im)politeness. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp 113-151
Post-Fukushima discourses on nuclear power in Japan
Pizziconi, Barbara (2015). In: Calvetti, Paolo, (eds.) and Mariotti, Marcella, (eds.), Contemporary Japan - Challenges for a world economic power in transition. Venezia, Ca' Foscari University: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari - Digital Publishing, pp 161-188
Honorifics: The cultural specificity of a universal mechanism in Japanese
Pizziconi, Barbara (2011). In: Mills, Sara, (eds.) and Kádár, Dániel Z., (eds.), Politeness in East Asia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 45-70
Eikoku no Kootoo Kyoiku (Narabi ni Rondon Daigaku Ajia Afurika Kenkyuuin) ni okeru Nihongo Kenkyuu to Nihongo Kyooiku /Japanese language studies and language pedagogy in the UK’s Higher Education (and the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London)
Pizziconi, Barbara (2010). International Symposium Report: Globalizing Japanese studies – Current Issues in Education and Research. Tokyo: International Centre for Japanese Studies (ICJS), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, pp 29-33
Stereotyping Communicative Styles In and Out of the Language and Culture classroom: Japanese Indirectness, Ambiguity and Vagueness
Pizziconi, Barbara (2009). In: Gomez Moron, Reyes, (eds.), Padilla Cruz, Manuel, (eds.), Fernandez Amaya, Lucia, (eds.) and De la O Hernandez Lopez, Maria, (eds.), Pragmatics Applied to Language Teaching and Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
The interactional consequences of epistemic indexicality – some thoughts on the epistemic marker -kamoshirenai
Pizziconi, Barbara (2009). In: Pizziconi, Barbara, (ed.), Japanese Modality: Exploring its Scope and Interpretation. Basingstoke [England] ; New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Japanese language learning in the UK – Notes on the social and educational background to the year of study in Japan in higher education programmes, and the case of University of London SOAS
Pizziconi, Barbara (2008). Towards a global standard in Japanese Language Pedagogy = Get a Copy Find a copy in the library 日本語教育のグローバル. スタンダードの構築に向けて. Tokyo: Japanese Ministry of Education, pp 74-84
Nihon to Kaigai no Kyoikukikan no Kyoiku Renkei no Mosaku – Tanki Kookan Ryugaku Puroguramu no Gakushuusha no Ankeeto kara
Pizziconi, Barbara (2008). Papers of the Japanese Language Teaching Association in honour of Professor Fumiko Koide = 小出記念日本語教育研究会論文集. Tokyo: Koide Kinen Nihongo Kenkyuukai, Tokyo Joshi Daigaku Gendai Bungakubu
Learning to Reframe: Japanese Benefactives, Metalinguistic Beliefs and the Identities of L2 Users
Pizziconi, Barbara (2006). In: Yoshitomi, Asako, (eds.), Umino, Tae, (eds.) and Negishi, Masashi, (eds.), Readings in Second Language Pedagogy and Second Language Acquisition In a Japanese Context. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp 119-153
Japanese language studies and language pedagogy in the UK’s Higher Education (and the School of Oriental and African Studies)
Pizziconi, Barbara(2010). In: Globalizing Japanese Studies: Current issues in Education and Research, 6-7 March, 2010 :International Center for Japanese Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies