Applying to university: What we look for in a successful UCAS application

As an undergraduate admissions officer at SOAS, Jaydeep uses his experience to offer advice on what to include, what will help you stand out and what to avoid when writing your UCAS application to university.

Applying to university is an exciting time, but we understand the process can feel daunting. As you apply, remember that this is a chance to find the university most suited for you and an opportunity to showcase not only your academic ability but also your personality and interests. The application process can be smooth with the right information, a good amount of time, and some help proofing. To help, here are a few tips to guide you through. 

What to include 

At the SOAS admissions office, we take great care to look at an application holistically, so make sure you include relevant information that could help you. While we do prioritise academic ability, we also evaluate applications based on the following key factors:

  • Grades and predicted grades: Showcase your academic ability by adding all your qualifications from secondary school onwards, including predicted grades. We need all this information to make an informed decision.
  • Personal statement: Craft a compelling narrative that reflects your passion, interests, and why you are a good fit for your chosen programme.
  • Reference (academic or employer): Provide a reference from your teacher or employer, offering insights into your character and capabilities. For those who've been out of education for more than five years, we accept references from current employers, although we reserve the right to request an academic reference later.
  • Relevant information: Share additional details to help us better understand you.

Be authentically yourself. This is the best way to determine whether SOAS is the right fit for you.

Writing a personal statement that's unique to you

One of the most important sections in the UCAS application is your personal statement. Writing one may seem like a grand task but by staying calm and following a few simple steps, it’s easier than you think.


  • Be yourself. This is the best way to determine whether SOAS is the right fit for you.
  • Show us your enthusiasm for your chosen subject and love of learning. This is a key part and could include wider reading or research that you've done outside of class or any extra activities, for example, Model United Nations or practice law debates.
  • Highlight relevant work experience related to your chosen course. If you’ve spent some time in a law firm, business or facility related to your chosen course, make sure you include that in your application.
  • Showcase achievements demonstrating your commitment and enthusiasm.
  • Share insights into your relevant hobbies and interests to provide a holistic view of who you are.
  • Check, check and re-check your application thoroughly. It shouldn’t contain any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. If possible, get someone else to check it through. It’s easy to miss errors when you’ve worked on something for a long time, and a fresh set of eyes can make all the difference.


  • Rely on clichés; be original and genuine in your expression.
  • Tell us your life story. Focus on why we should choose you for the programme.
  • Plagiarise! Originality is key, and UCAS rigorously checks for plagiarism.
  • Repeat information already found in your application; use this opportunity to reveal new aspects of yourself.

Submitting your application

Once you're ready to apply, familiarise yourself with UCAS's comprehensive guide

  1. First of all, create an account on the UCAS Hub.
  2. Fill out the form, including personal details, residential status, and employment history, if applicable. You must complete all mandatory questions, and you can’t skip any sections.
  3. Add your education history, including predicted grades.
  4. Select course choices. To select SOAS University of London, you’ll need to add our institution, campus and course codes. These can be found on each of our programme web pages.
  5. Write your personal statement.
  6. Include a reference.
  7. Pay your application fee. For 2024 entry, the application fee is £27.50 for up to five choices.
  8. Double-check that everything is correct. If so, you're ready to submit your application.

We hope this guide helps you in your application. Remember that this year's equal consideration deadline is 31 January 2024 at 6:00pm (UK time). 

Good luck, and we look forward to welcoming new students to SOAS University of London. 

Have a question? Get in touch with us at or by phone at +44 (0)20 3510 6974.

About the author

Jaydeep Mukherjee is an Undergraduate Admissions Officer with 4-years of experience at SOAS and nine years of experience in higher education admissions, both at the postgraduate and undergraduate levels.