New to university? Tips on how to thrive in your first year

From one student to another, Marjaan shares valuable advice on how to settle into university life- covering everything from making the most of opportunities on campus to planning for your future career.

Starting university is an exciting new chapter, but it can also feel daunting. Whether it's adjusting to new academic challenges, navigating a larger campus, or meeting new people, the transition can be a lot to handle. But don't worry—there are plenty of ways to make this journey smoother. From staying proactive to finding support when needed, here are five essential tips to help you thrive at SOAS. 

Tip 1: Be proactive and try new things 

When starting anything new, it is always better to take action and not just let things happen to you. Get your badge, review your timetable, read all the emails your department sends you, attend all your classes, and read around your classwork. The list could go on, but the key point is to make the most of your time at university. There are a lot of opportunities available to you, so make use of them and try not to fall behind.

When starting anything new, it is always better to take action and not just let things happen to you. 

University is a new experience for all first years, there are so many opportunities that were not available before so get involved! Join societies and clubs, attend events, and explore the city. If you are looking for a flexible part-time job, apply to become a Student Ambassador and work at the SOAS Cafe or shop. If you are looking for work experience, go have a chat with the Careers team, follow their email newsletter and attend networking events. 

Tip 2: Ask for support and if you fall behind, don't panic

There are a lot of support structures at the university, you will have your academic advisor, your lecturer, your classmates and the Student Hub (located in the Paul Webley Wing). Whether you don’t understand a topic on your course, don’t know how to submit an assignment or need to borrow some notes, there are a lot of people out there that you can ask who would be happy to help. If you don’t ask, you won’t learn, so use all the help provided.

Student in the Senate House atrium
There are a lot of opportunities available to SOAS students.

If you have fallen behind, don't panic. Falling behind at some point is a staple point in the journey of every university student - you are not alone, and you can catch up again. Go to your academic advisor and make a plan together for how you will come back to base. Consider why you fell behind and whether you are eligible to apply for Mitigating Circumstances.

Tip 3: Learn to say ‘no’

While it’s good to gain new experiences, it’s best not to overwhelm yourself. Not every opportunity will be beneficial for you, or well-suited to your interests. Your time at university is finite, and that makes it valuable. Be selective about what you will dedicate your time to getting involved in and explore all your options. If you don’t enjoy it, don’t do it - there are so many opportunities out there, so why not find something that will make you happy?

Tip 4: Make a plan for the future

This one might scare some of you, but making a plan for what career you want to have in the future (or which path you want to go down) will make it easier to decide what you will do with your time now while you are at university. The Careers team can help you think about your career options or find out more about a field you are interested in. Knowing what you want will also make it easier to say ‘no’ to opportunities that do not fit your life plan. 

Making a plan for what career you want to have will make it easier to decide what you will do with your time now.

Just remember that your plan for the future is only there to guide you and motivate you to work harder – you can always change your mind. But it is still best to have a plan for where to start from.

Tip 5: Enjoy your time here!

University is a new experience for everyone, have fun and make the most of it.  University is not just about academics; it's a time for personal growth, new experiences, and lifelong memories. Welcome to SOAS, and here's to a successful and rewarding adventure ahead!


About the author

Marjaan Aman is an LLB student and Marketing and Student Recruitment Assistant at SOAS University of London.