SOAS is part of University of London: What student benefits are on offer?

SOAS is part of the University of London, but what does that mean? Daisy gives a whistlestop tour of what SOAS students can expect from being part of a wider network. 

The University of London (UoL) is home to seventeen institutions, including SOAS. As UoL students, SOASians enjoy some unique privileges. Here are some of the ways being part of UoL can benefit you.

Free membership of the Senate House Library

Senate House Library is one of the UK’s largest libraries, it is home to over two million books! As a UoL student, you are entitled to free access for the duration of your degree. Once you’ve got your SOAS ID card, you can get yourself a Senate House Library membership. There is also BLOOM@Senate House which has a cafe and offers a relaxing space for a study break. 

Join a UoL sports club or society 

Another great thing about being a UoL student is the range of sports clubs and societies that you can join. You can join athletics, choir, ice hockey, judo, orchestra, volleyball and many more. In my first year, I joined ABACUS (Association of British and Chinese University Students), which is composed of eight London universities (SOAS, UCL, LSE, etc.). Joining such a large society not only gives you the chance to make friends all across London but also gives you the chance to network with people from different walks of life. 

Study at other university libraries

As I lived at home during my studies, Goldsmiths happened to be closer to where I am from. So, in my second year, during exams season, as a fellow UoL student, I was given full access to their library, which made things a lot less stressful for me as travel times were cut down drastically. During my time at SOAS I also had a UCL Library card, which I’d sometimes use if I was on campus and wanted a change of surroundings. 

Senate House viewed at a distance
Senate House Library is one of the UK’s largest libraries.

Live with students from other universities

You also have the chance to live in Intercollegiate Halls with students from different universities in a range of accommodation options. The University of London Housing Service also provides free private rented housing advice, including checking rental contracts to make sure you’re getting a fair deal. 

Enrol in intercollegiate modules

Intercollegiate modules gives SOAS students a chance to widen their module choices if they feel that a particular module would benefit their studies. Participating institutions are Birkbeck, Goldsmiths, King’s College London, London School of Economics and Political Science, Queen Mary’s, University College London, and School of Advanced Study. For example, if you are studying BA International Relations at SOAS, but one of UCL’s modules catches your eye, you are able to enrol yourself provided that you do not exceed thirty credits per year in intercollegiate modules. There are some terms and conditions, so make sure to check which intercollegiate modules at UoL are available.

Making the most of living in London

Finally, one of the best things about being a UoL student is that you get to study right in the centre of London. It is a vibrant and diverse city rich in history, filled with endless opportunities, lots of people to meet, and green spaces to enjoy. 

Learn more about the range of University of London benefits on offer to SOAS students.  

About the author

Daisy Golding is a final-year BA Chinese student who is currently working as a Marketing Assistant at SOAS. Daisy is from London and has an interest in Eastern culture & academia.