What to do in London to celebrate LGBTQIA+ History Month

Discover events happening in London for LGBTQIA+ History Month with Shloka's comprehensive guide to tours, theatre performances, panels, and celebratory events.

One of the charms of London is its inclusivity, especially its vibrant queer community. But those of us who have the privilege of celebrating the wins must remember those who came before us and fought for us to get here. This is why every February, the UK celebrates LGBTQIA+ History Month, dedicating time to learning as well as finding joy in the community. For 2024, I have compiled a whole range of events taking place this month:  

History tours around London

  • Free Queer History LGBTQ+ Tour
    Walk through London and learn about the complex history of LGBTQ+ life in the city, following the lives of the pioneering people and places who have shaped it.
    Tours throughout the month | Free | Book with London with a Local 
  • Haunting Squares: Bloomsbury LGBTQ+ History Tour
    A wheelchair-accessible tour that focuses on the rich queer history of Bloomsbury, looking at the history of the Bloomsbury group and visiting London’s oldest Gay bookshop (my absolute favourite!).
    18 February | £16-18 | Book with OutSavvy
  • LGBT+ History talk & tour with residents of The Charterhouse
    This talk and tour introduces the history of The Charterhouse, an almshouse and heritage site that was a home for gay men in medieval times. This is a part of Tudor history where queer men turned to where they had nowhere else to go. 
    8, 15 and 22 February | £20 (free drink included) | Book with The Charterhouse
  • LGBTQ+ History Month Queer Tour - Event at National Portrait Gallery in London
    A tour of the National Portrait Gallery with Drag Artist Timberlina highlights the life of the Chevalier d’Eon, the oldest painting of a trans person in the collection (1792). 
    16 February | Free | Book with artrabbit.com 
Queer Britain Museum
Queer Britain is UK's first and only LGBTQ+ museum.

Talks and panels

  • LGBTQ+ History Month Panel: Trans+ Healthcare
    Following the theme for this year's LGBTQ+ history month, Medicine #Underthescope, this is a panel of medical experts discussing Trans-inclusive healthcare and the role the NHS is playing.
    25 February | £0-10 | Book with Queer Britain
  • AT THE MUSEUM Fanny and Stella: The Two Young Men Who Shocked Victorian England
    Fanny and Stella were two Victorian men whose drag dress-ups got them arrested. More performance than panel, learn about their riveting trial. 
    8 February | £12-22 | Book with Bow Street Police Museum
  • GPN networking evening and dinner with Professor Pippa Catterall
    Pippa Catterall is a British academic historian who will explain the idea that public spaces are not inherently inclusive and how to ‘queer public spaces.’ The talk is followed by an opportunity to network and have dinner together. 
    27 February | £0-10 | Book with The Gay Professional Network
  • Trans inclusive feminism, gender critical feminism: Culture wars in the media
    As part of UCL's running series on trans-inclusivity, Professor Deborah Shaw will contrast the weaponisation of trans discourse in academic, right-wing media, and ethical media settings. 
    14 February | Free | Book with UCL
  • ‘That which never can be suppressed’: LGBTQ+ history in the RCP collections 
    This virtual event traces the collections that cover the experiences of LGBTQ+ people, including physicians, as well as the views of a society that medicalised them.
    21 February | £0-10 | Book with the Royal College of Physicians Museum 
Chickpeas play
A promotional shot for Chickpeas playing at the VAULT. 

Theatre and comedy 

  • Chickpeas at VAULT
    Part of an excellent comedy and theatre festival, this lesbian drama challenges the typical patriarchal presentation of lesbian romance. 
    14 February | £0-12.50 | Book with the VAULT
  • Queer Diary  
    An experience all queer people have in common is teenage angst, but are you brave enough to read out your teenage diary? Head over to listen (or read!) in a no judgement space. 
    15 February | Pay what you can | Book with The Common Press 

Longer celebrations to take part in

  • ParaPride 2024: Marking LGBTQ+ History
    Parapride marks a celebration of LGBTQ+ history within the disabled community. The celebration ranges from panel discussions to drag! 
    24 February | £0-7.50 | Book with ParaPride
  • National Student Pride
    The largest student-run celebration of the month, events range from film screenings and discussions to parties. It's a great chance to network and have fun.
    23-25 February | £10 | Book with National Student Pride 
  • LGBTQIA+ History Month at SOAS 
    Our very own Students' Union is running a series of events for the entire month, ranging from expert panels to a pub quiz. This is an excellent opportunity to find a community within our university. 
    Throughout the month | Depends on the event | Book with SOAS 
Gay's the word bookshop
Gay's the Word is the UK's oldest LGBTQ+ bookshop 

Solidarity event

  • LGBTQI+ History Month: Queer solidarities with Palestine
    There is no liberation for one without liberation for all. This hybrid panel organised by The Centre for Law & Social Change explores the role of queer communities in the fight for Palestine. 
    15 February | Free | Book with The Centre for Law & Social Change

Places to visit

  • Queer Britain 
    UK's first and only LGBTQ+ museum, housing artefacts, images and much more. They have rotating exhibitions and many friendly events that help fund the museum.
  • London LGBTQ+ Community Centre
    Providing a safe space for queer folx in the heart of London, this community centre is truly one of a kind. It serves as a space for co-working, dance classes, yoga mornings, and pretty much anything else you can imagine 
  • Gay's The Word | The UK's Oldest LGBT+ Bookshop
    Located a short walk away from SOAS, this bookshop is UK’s oldest LGBTQ bookshop and holds a special place in London’s queer history. It is a small but vibrant space for activism and community, an absolute must-visit. 

Although these ‘places to visit’ have an extensive range of events this month, I wanted to highlight these spaces as championing LGBTQ+ History year-round. The hope is for the learning and community created/found this month to be larger than can be contained in one month! 

Header image credit: Raphael Renter via Unsplash.

About the author

Shloka Murarka is a SOAS Digital Ambassador studying BSc Economics. Coming from India, her focus is on feminist activism and labour markets. You can find her at @ShlokaMurarka on X / Twitter.