What I've learnt from being a final year SOAS student

Caera shares what she's learnt as a final-year BA Japanese and International Relations student, academically and beyond. 

This last year of my studies at SOAS has flown by, and now I am just days away from submitting my dissertation. As I near the end of my student journey, I've come to realise that every class and every experience has shaped me, not just academically but as a person. Coming up to the end of the year, here are my reflections on what I've learnt. 

You know more than you give yourself credit for

All that you learn throughout the years works like building blocks, shaping you into the person you are today. When I sat down to write that first essay of my final year, I was relieved to find that none of that knowledge or skills had slipped away while I was focusing on my language studies.

All that you learn throughout the years works like building blocks, shaping you into the person you are today. 

The advice that I often give to new students during Welcome Week is to figure out how you as an individual work best early on, as it will stand you in good stead for the future. Whether that’s how to study, make notes or complete assignments, knowing your own way of working helps you build good practices that will support you throughout your degree and career. 

Writing essays is like riding a bike

Returning from my year abroad and delving straight into the final year of my degree was intense. During my language year abroad in Japan, my studies were almost entirely focused on the Japanese language and culture, omitting the other half of my dual degree. I was very nervous that I would start my final year and have to re-learn how to study and write about International Relations, but that was luckily not the case. 

Getting back into the swing of writing essays after a year's break felt like a daunting task. As I started to write, I found all those skills that I had picked up over the last few years were still there and just needed dusting off. It was a huge relief!

Appreciate how far you’ve come!

Whether you’re in your first year or final year, I think it’s so important to reflect and appreciate how far you’ve come. This last year of my studies has flown by, and now I am just days away from submitting my dissertation.

Thinking back to when I first started at SOAS, it is clear how much I have developed not only in academics but as a person throughout this experience.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the writing process, and it truly feels like a culmination of all the years of hard work that I have put into this degree. Thinking back to when I first started at SOAS, it is clear how much I have developed not only in academics but as a person throughout this experience.

So, if you’re worried about a year abroad or a break in your studies, or if, like me, you found yourself starting your university career a bit later in life, I would tell you to go all in and try to learn as much as possible. The skills that you gain and the people that you meet throughout your degree will shape who you are. This is something I have learned as my years as a student come to a close.

About the author

Caera Broad is a final-year BA Japanese and International Relations student and currently working part-time at SOAS as a Marketing Assistant. Growing up in rural Scotland, she loves animals and being out in nature.