My earlier research covered the Arabic dialects of Khuzistan (Persia), Southern Iraq, the bedouin of North Eastern Arabia and the Arabic Dialect of Northern Afghanistan. This resulted in my first book North East Arabian Dialects KPI (1982). Later I became interested in the oral literature, history and culture of the bedouin and my Bedouin of Northern Arabia: Traditions of the Al Dhafir also published by KPI appeared in 1986, followed Najdi Arabic: Central Arabian by John Benjamins in 1994 and Arabian Diversions: Studies in the Dialects of Arabia Ithaca Press in 1997. Also in that year I co-edited with Nancy Lindisfarne Tapper, Languages of Dress in the Middle East, which was published by Curzon Press. More recently I have worked on Lakota, a language of the Northern Plains of America, and have produced an English-Lakota Dictionary, Curzon Press 2001 and a Grammatical Sketch published by Lincom Press appeared in 2003. At the moment I continue to work both on Lakota and the Arabic Dialects of the Arabian Peninsula.
Five Lakota Oral Discourses Transcribed and Translated: How and American Indian nation explains its philosophy of life
Ingham, Bruce (2009). Lewiston. Queenston. Lampeter: (Edwin Mellen Press)
Ingham, Bruce (2010). In: Owens, Jonathan, (eds.) and Elgibali, Alaa, (eds.), Information Structure in Spoken Arabic. London; New York: Routledge, pp 75-92
The dialect of the Euphrates Bedouin. a fringe Mesopotamian dialect
Ingham, Bruce (2009). In: Al-Wer, Enam, (eds.) and de Jong, Rudolf, (eds.), Arabic Dialectology: in Honour of Clive Holes on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday. Leiden; Boston: Brill, pp 99-108
Language and identity: the perpetuation of dialects
Ingham, Bruce (2006). In: Chatty, Dawn, (ed.), Nomadic Societies in the Middle East and North Africa: Entering the 21st Century. Leiden; Boston: Brill, pp 523-538
Technicalities and terminology of raiding and warfare as revealed by Bedouin oral narratives
Ingham, Bruce (2003). In: Haak, Martine, (eds.), de Jong, Rudolf, (eds.) and Versteegh, Kees, (eds.), Approaches to Arabic Dialects: A Collection of Articles presented to Manfred Woidich on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday. Leiden: Brill, pp 117-134
Ingham, Bruce (2002). In: Arnold, W, (eds.) and Bobzin, H, (eds.), "Sprich doch mit deinen Knechten aramaisch, wir verstehen es!"; 60 Beitrage zur Semitistik; Festschrift fur Otto Jastrow zum 60. Geburstag. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, pp 299-309
Approaches to the study of Dress in the Middle east
Ingham, Bruce and Lindisfarne-Tapper, Nancy (1997). In: Lindisfarne-Tapper, Nancy, (eds.) and Ingham, Bruce, (eds.), Languages of Dress in the Middle east. Richmond: Curzon Press, pp 1-39
Mens Dress in the Arabian Peninsula: Historical and Present Perspectives
Ingham, Bruce (1997). In: Lindisfarne-Tapper, Nancy, (eds.) and Ingham, Bruce, (eds.), Languages of Dress in the Middle East. Richmond: Curzon Press, pp 40-54
Texts in the Arabic Dialect of the Rwalah of Northern Arabia
Ingham, Bruce (1995). In: Harviainen, T, (eds.) and Halen, Harry, (eds.), Dialectología arábica : a collection of articles in honour of the sixtieth birthday of professor Heikki Palva. Helsinki: Finnish Oriental Society, pp 121-140
Ingham, Bruce (1994). In: Caubet, D, (eds.) and Vanhove, M, (eds.), Actes des Premières Journées internationales de dialectologie arabe de Paris : colloque international tenu à Paris, du 27 au 30 janvier 1993. Paris: Publications Langues 'O, pp 185-200
The effect of language contact on the Arabic dialect of Afghanistan
Ingham, Bruce (1994). In: Aguadé, J, (eds.), Corriente, F, (eds.) and Marugán, M, (eds.), Actas del Congreso Internacional sobre Interferencias Lingüisticas Arabo-Romances y Paralelos Extra-Iberos. Zaragoza: Congreso internacional, pp 105-117