Professor Catherine Hezser
Key information
- Roles
- Department of Religions and Philosophies Professor of Jewish Studies Centre for Jewish Studies Member Centre for Migration and Diaspora Studies Member, Centre for Migration and Diaspora Studies Member
- Qualifications
- Dr Theol (Heidelberg), PhD in Ancient Judaism (Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New York), Habilitation in Jewish Studies (Free University Berlin)
- Building
- Russell Square: College Buildings
- Office
- 335
- Email address
- Telephone number
- +44 (0)20 7898 4633
Prof. Catherine Hezser studied Jewish Studies, Theology and Philosophy at the universities of Muenster and Heidelberg in Germany and at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in New York.
She completed her studies with a Dr. theol. (Heidelberg, 1986) and a Ph.D. in Jewish Studies (New York, 1992). After spending two years as a senior research fellow at Kings College Cambridge (1992-94), she went to the Free University Berlin to teach and complete her Habilitation in Jewish Studies (Berlin, 1997). Afterwards she did research at the Hebrew University Jerusalem as a Yad Hanadiv - Rothberg Foundation fellow and was granted a Heisenberg Professorship by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
From 2000 to 2005 she was the Al and Felice Lippert Professor of Jewish Studies at Trinity College Dublin and the Director of the Herzog Centre for Jewish and Near Eastern Religions and Cultures. Since 2005 she has been teaching at SOAS, University of London.
- SOAS Radio, SOAS Leads the Conversation: COVID-19 in UK Jewish Communities
- Lecture (with Powerpoint presentation) on “Women and Property in Hellenistic, Roman, and Rabbinic Law”, presented (in German) at the inauguration of the Centre for Comparative Ancient Legal History at the University of Hamburg
Research interests
Prof. Hezser has distinguished herself as a major expert in the social history of Jews in Roman Palestine in late antiquity. She employs the methods and results of the social sciences and of (post-modern) literary criticism to better understand Jewish life and culture in Hellenistic and Roman times. In her many publications she examines ancient Judaism within the context of Graeco-Roman and early Christian society. Prof. Hezser is also interested in issues of modern Jewish identity and its literary expressions in Europe, America and Israel.
Prof. Hezser has participated in a variety of interdisciplinary research projects, e.g., as a senior research fellow at King's College, Cambridge (1992-94), in a project on early Judaism and Christianity with the late Prof. Keith Hopkins; at the Free University, Berlin (1994-2000), in a project on the Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman culture, initiated by Prof. Peter Schaefer. She carried out research on ancient Jewish slavery as Lady Davies Visiting Research Professor at the Hebrew University (2003). Before joining the SOAS faculty she held the Al and Felice Lippert Chair of Jewish and Near Eastern Religions and Culture at Trinity College Dublin (2000-05). She is currently editing the Routledge Handbook of Jews and Judaism in Late Antiquity.
She is currently working on a British Academy funded project on “Rabbinic Literature in the Context of Late Antique Scholasticism”. In 2023 she will start a new three-year research project funded by the UK-German Collaborative Grant in the Humanities (AHRC-DFG). The title of this project is “Rabbinic Civil Law in the Context of Ancient Legal History: A Legal Compendium on the Bavot Tractates of the Talmud Yerushalmi”.
The main objective of the project is to integrate Jewish civil law, as it developed in Roman Palestine in late antiquity (3rd-4th c. CE) and is codified in the Bavot tractates of the Talmud Yerushalmi, within ancient legal history. Scholars of ancient legal history generally deal with Roman law as the basis of modern European law, whereas rabbinic law is studied in the context of Jewish Studies. Ancient rabbis were legal adjudicators who devised rules and precedents in areas of civil law that have analogies in non-Jewish legal traditions, especially Hellenistic and Roman law. Compiled in the Bavot tractates of the Talmud, rabbinic civil law constitutes a significant Near Middle Eastern corpus of ancient civil law. The analysis and comparison of rabbinic with (mostly Egyptian) Hellenistic and with Roman civil law will enable us to overcome the inappropriate division between Jewish and non-Jewish, eastern and western legal traditions and enable an integrated approach to ancient law. The project examines the impact of Roman law on the eastern provinces in the context of Roman imperialism and the development of a legal hybridity in local Near Middle Eastern societies.
The Routledge Handbook of Jews and Judaism in Late Antiquity, edited by Catherine Hezser (London and New York: Routledge, 2024), which also contains a total of 34 chapters, 4 of them authored by Prof. Hezser, has just been published. For more information and the possibility to preview the volume see:
Prof. Hezser’s new book, Jews and Health: Tradition, History, and Practice is published by Brill in January 2023.
PhD Supervision
- David Eliezer Cohen, The Biblical Exegesis of Don Isaac Abravanel, now published as a monograph
- Stephanie Montgomery Kee, Cyprian of Carthage on Martyrdom
- M. Naiem Ahmed, “In the Shadow of the Holocaust: Representations of Relations Between Jews and Non-Jews in Film (1990-2020)
Name | Title |
Mr Nevsky Everett | The Sacramental Character of the Cross in the Assyrian Church of the East |
Stephanie Kee | Martyrdom and Communion in the North African Church: in the works of St Cyprian of Carthage |
Rabbinic Scholarship in the Context of Late Antique Scholasticism: The Development of the Talmud Yerushalmi
Hezser, Catherine (2024). London: (Bloomsbury)
View this bookJewish Monotheism and Slavery
Hezser, Catherine (2024). Cambridge and New York: (Cambridge University Press)
View this bookBild und Kontext. Jüdische und christliche Ikonographie der Spätantike
Hezser, Catherine (2018). Tübingen: (Mohr Siebeck)
View this bookRabbinic Body Language: Non-Verbal Communication in Palestinian Rabbinic Literature of Late Antiquity
Hezser, Catherine (2017). Leiden; Boston, MA: (Brill)
View this bookJewish Slavery in Antiquity
Hezser, Catherine (2005). Oxford: (Oxford University Press)
View this bookJewish Literacy in Roman Palestine
Hezser, Catherine (2001). Tuebingen: (Mohr Siebeck)
View this bookThe Social Structure of the Rabbinic Movement in Roman Palestine
Hezser, Catherine (1997). Tuebingen: (Mohr Siebeck)
View this bookForm, Function, and Historical Significance of the Rabbinic Story in Yerushalmi Neziqin
Hezser, Catherine (1993). Tuebingen: (Mohr Siebeck)
View this bookLohnmetaphorik und Arbeitswelt. Das Gleichnis von den Arbeitern im Weinberg (Mt. 20:1-16) im Rahmen rabbinischer Lohngleichnisse
Hezser, Catherine (1990). Goettingen: (Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht)
View this bookThe Hebrew Bible in Ancient Jewish Education
Hezser, Catherine, 2023, Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok [the Swedish Exegetical Annual] (88), 1, pp 14-32
View this articleBetween Scholasticism and Populism: Rabbinic and Christian Networks in the Roman Empire
Hezser, Catherine, 2022, Annali di Storia dell’Esegesi: Rivista semestrale a cura del Centro Italiano di Studi Superiori sulle Religioni (39), 1, pp 27-46
View this articleRecent Research on Travel, Network Theory, and Identity in Jewish, Christian, and Graeco-Roman Society (300 BCE -- 600 CE)
Hezser, Catherine, 2020, Jerusalem and Eretz Israel. A Journal for Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology = ירושלים וארץ-ישראל : כתב-עת ללימודי ארץ-ישראל וארכיאולוגיה. (2020), 12-13, pp 13-28
View this articleJewish Literacy and Languages in First-Century Roman Palestine
Hezser, Catherine, 2020, Orientalia (89), 1, pp 58-77
View this articleFrom Sinner to Model Ancestor: King David in Post-Biblical Jewish and Christian Literature and Art
Hezser, Catherine, 2019, The Ancient Near East Today (7), 10
View this articleThe Creation of the Talmud Yerushalmi and Apophthegmata Patrum as Monuments to the Rabbinic and Monastic Movements in Early Byzantine Times
Hezser, Catherine, 2018, Jewish Studies Quarterly (25), 4, pp 368-393
View this articleSelf-Control in a World Controlled by Others: Palestinian Rabbinic 'Asceticism' in Late Antiquity
Hezser, Catherine, 2018, Religion in the Roman Empire (4), 1, pp 9-27
View this articleBookish Circles? The Use of Written Texts in Rabbinic Oral Culture
Hezser, Catherine, 2017, Temas Medievales (25), pp 63-81
View this articleBlurred Boundaries between Slaves and Free Persons in Ancient Judaism
Hezser, Catherine, 2016, AJS Perspectives, Fall, pp 44-45
View this articleCrossing Enemy Lines: Network Connections Between Palestinian and Babylonian Sages in Late Antiquity
Hezser, Catherine, 2015, Journal for the Study of Judaism (46), 2, pp 224-250
View this articleGeldstrafen, Peitschenhiebe, und goettliche Vergeltung: Strafdrohungen in der Mischna
Hezser, Catherine, 2014, Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte (20), pp 201-214
View this articleSamuel Krauss' Contribution to the Study of Judaism, Christianity, and Graeco-Roman Culture in the Context of Wissenschaft Scholarship
Hezser, Catherine, 2013, Modern Judaism (33), 3, pp 1-31
View this articleFreak, Not Sage: An Exploration into Freakishness in Modern Jewish Culture
Hezser, Catherine, 2013, Culture and Dialogue (3), 1, pp 51-72
View this articleNeuere Forschungen zum Rabbinischen Judentum
Hezser, Catherine, 2011, Theologische Literaturzeitung (136), 2, pp 218-234
View this articleOral and Written Communication and Transmission of Knowledge in Ancient Judaism and Christianity
Hezser, Catherine, 2010, Oral Tradition (25), 1, pp 75-92
View this articleFrom Study House to Marketplace: Rabbinic Guidelines for the Economy of Roman Palestine
Hezser, Catherine, 2006, Antiquité Tardive (14), pp 39-45
View this article‘Are You Protestant Jews, Or Roman Catholic Jews?’ - Literary Representations of Being Jewish in Ireland
Hezser, Catherine, 2005, Modern Judaism (25), 2, pp 159-188
View this articleThe Impact of Household Slaves On the Jewish Family in Roman Palestine
Hezser, Catherine, 2003, Journal for the Study of Judaism (34), 4, pp 375-424
View this articleShoah Survivors and the Second Generation in American Jewish Writing: Bernard Malamud, Rebecca Goldstein, Thane Rosenbaum
Hezser, Catherine, 2002, Jewish Studies Quarterly (9), 2, pp 143-159
View this articleFreud’s Oedipus-Complex and the Problems of Jewish Assimilation in the Writings of Franz Kafka and Philip Roth
Hezser, Catherine, 2001, Jewish Studies Quarterly (8), pp 248-278
View this article‘Joseph and Aseneth’ in the Context of Ancient Greek Erotic Novels
Hezser, Catherine, 1997, Frankfurter Judaistische Beitraege (24), pp 1-40
View this articleDie Verwendung der Hellenistischen Gattung Chrie im frühen Christentum und Judentum
Hezser, Catherine, 1996, Journal for the Study of Judaism (27), 4, pp 371-439
View this articleSocial Fragmentation, Plurality of Opinion, and Nonobservance of Halakhah: Rabbis and Community in Late Roman Palestine
Hezser, Catherine, 1993, Jewish Studies Quarterly (1), pp 234-251
View this articleThe Routledge Handbook of Jews and Judaism in Late Antiquity
Hezser, Catherine, (ed.) (2024). London and New York: Routledge.
View this bookJews and Health: Tradition, History, and Practice
Hezser, Catherine, (ed.) (2023). Leiden: Brill. (Brill's Series in Jewish Studies. vol. 76)
View this bookThe Use and Dissemination of Religious Knowledge in Antiquity
Hezser, Catherine, (eds.) and Edelman, Diana, (eds.) (2021). Sheffield: Equinox.
View this bookThe Oxford Handbook of Jewish Daily Life in Roman Palestine (paperback edition).
Hezser, Catherine, (ed.) (2020). Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Oxford Handbooks)
View this bookJewish Art in Its Late Antique Context
Leibner, Uzi, (eds.) and Hezser, Catherine, (eds.) (2016). Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck. (Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism)
View this bookThe Oxford Handbook of Jewish Daily Life in Roman Palestine
Hezser, Catherine, (ed.) (2010). Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Oxford Handbooks in Classics and Ancient History)
View this bookRabbinic Law in Its Roman and Near Eastern Context
Hezser, Catherine, (ed.) (2003). Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck. (Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism)
View this bookRepresenting the Shoah for the 21st Century
Hezser, Catherine, (ed.) (2002). Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck. (Jewish Studies Quarterly, vol. 9, no. 2)
View this bookThe Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture. Vol. 2
Hezser, Catherine, (eds.) and Schäfer, Peter, (eds.) (2000). Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck. (Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism)
View this bookJewish Education, Reading and Writing in Hellenistic and Early Roman Palestine
Hezser, Catherine (2024). In: Ameling, Walter, (ed.), Handbook of the Septuagint, vol. 4: The Historical and Cultural Context of the Septuagint. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, pp 200-214
View this book sectionPlurisignation in Biblical and Rabbinic Law: The Meaning and Punishment of 'Rape'
Hezser, Catherine (2024). In: Bakhos, Carol, (eds.) and Gray, Alyssa M., (eds.), Making History: Studies in Rabbinic History, Literature, and Culture in Honor of Richard L. Kalmin. Providence, RI: Brown Judaic Studies, pp 385-407
View this book sectionIntroduction: Jews and Judaism in Late Antiquity
Hezser, Catherine (2024). In: Hezser, Catherine, (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Jews and Judaism in Late Antiquity. London and New York: Routledge, pp 1-11
View this book sectionRabbis and the Image of the Intellectual
Hezser, Catherine (2024). In: Hezser, Catherine, (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Jews and Judaism in Late Antiquity. London and New York: Routledge, pp 171-184
View this book sectionAttitudes Torward the Body
Hezser, Catherine (2024). In: Hezser, Catherine, (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Jews and Judaism in Late Antiquity. London and New York: Routledge, pp 216-228
View this book sectionAntiquarianism, Scholasticism, and Rabbinic Anthologies
Hezser, Catherine (2024). In: Hezser, Catherine, (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Jews and Judaism in Late Antiquity. London and New York: Routledge, pp 263-274
View this book sectionNew Testament and Rabbinic Slave Parables at the Intersection between Fiction and Reality
Hezser, Catherine (2023). In: Ottenheijm, Eric, (eds.), Poorthuis, Marcel, (eds.) and Merz, Annette, (eds.), The Power of Parables: Essays on the Comparative Study of Jewish and Christian Parables. Leiden: Brill, pp 367-388
View this book sectionRabbinic Geography: Between the Imaginary and Real
Hezser, Catherine (2023). In: Luther, Susanne, (eds.), Hartog, Peter B., (eds.) and Wilde, Clare E., (eds.), Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Travel Experiences, 3rd c. BCE - 8th c. CE. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp 251-268
View this book sectionThe Rule of the Wise as an Alternative to Kingship and Democracy in Ancient Rabbinic and Philosophical Thought
Hezser, Catherine (2023). In: Czajkowski, Kimberley, (eds.) and Friedman, David A., (eds.), Looking In, Looking Out: Jews and Non-Jews in Mutual Contemplation. Essays for Martin Goodman on His 70th Birthday. Leiden: Brill, pp 179-202
View this book sectionOuter Space in Ancient Jewish and Christian Literature
Hezser, Catherine (2023). In: Mazur, Eric Michael, (eds.) and MacFarland Taylor, Sarah, (eds.), Religion and Outer Space. London: Routledge, pp 9-24
View this book sectionErmunterung zum Wandern
Hezser, Catherine (2023). In: von Gemuenden, Petra, (eds.), Merz, Annette, (eds.) and Schwier, Helmut, (eds.), Resonanzen. Gerd Theißen zum 80. Geburtstag. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, pp 19-23
View this book sectionAnti-Semitism, pagan
Hezser, Catherine (2023). In: Whitmarsh, Tim, (ed.), Oxford Classical Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press
View this book sectionThe Mishnah and Roman Law: A Rabbinic Compilation of ius civile for the Jewish civitas of the Land of Israel under Roman Rule
Hezser, Catherine (2023). In: Cohen, Shaye J.D., (ed.), What is the Mishnah? The State of the Question. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, pp 141-166
View this book sectionIntroduction: The Significance of Health in Jewish History, Culture, and Society
Hezser, Catherine (2023). In: Hezser, Catherine, (ed.), Jews and Health: Tradition, History, and Practice. Leiden: Brill, pp 1-22
View this book sectionHealth and Hellenism: Philo of Alexandria ’s Discourse on Health in the Context of Greek Philosophy and Hippocratic Medicine
Hezser, Catherine (2023). In: Hezser, Catherine, (ed.), Jews and Health: Tradition, History, and Practice. Leiden: Brill, pp 43-68
View this book sectionPhysical Strength and Weakness as Means of Social Stratification in Palestinian Rabbinic Discourse of Late Antiquity
Hezser, Catherine (2023). In: Hezser, Catherine, (ed.), Jews and Health: Tradition, History, and Practice. Leiden: Brill, pp 87-106
View this book sectionHealth as a Jewish National Ideal in Early Zionist Writings
Hezser, Catherine (2023). In: Hezser, Catherine, (ed.), Jews and Health: Tradition, History, and Practice. Leiden: Brill, pp 208-230
View this book sectionFinding a Treasure: The Treasure Motif in Jewish, Christian, and Graeco-Roman Narratives in the Context of Rabbinic Halakhah and Roman Law
Hezser, Catherine (2022). In: Oegema, Albertina, (eds.), Pater, Jonathan, (eds.) and Stoutjesdijk, Martijn, (eds.), Overcoming Dichotomies: Parables, Fables, and Similes in the Graeco-Roman World.. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp 295-326
View this book sectionJewish Scribes in the Late Second Temple Period: Differences Between the Composition, Writing, and Interpretation of Texts
Hezser, Catherine (2022). In: Hakola, Raimo, (eds.), Orpana, Jessi, (eds.) and Huotari, Paavo, (eds.), Scriptures in the Making: Texts and Their Transmission in Late Second Temple Judaism. Leuven: Peeters, pp 149-172
View this book sectionWhat Was Jewish about Jewish Slavery in Late Antiquity?
Hezser, Catherine (2022). In: de Wet, Chris L., (eds.), Kahlos, Maijastina, (eds.) and Vuolanto, Ville, (eds.), Slavery in the Late Antique World, 150-700 CE. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 129-148
View this book section'He Who Sits Crowned on the Throne of His Glory': Body Posture in Hekhalot Rabbati and in Rabbinic Literature
Hezser, Catherine (2021). In: Hamidovic, David, (eds.), Mimouni, Simon C., (eds.) and Painchaud, Louis, (eds.), La "sacerdotalisation" dans les premiers écrits mystiques juifs et chrétiens. Turnhout (Belgium): Brepols, pp 41-56
View this book sectionCatering to the Diaspora Within: Caesarea Maritima, Greek Prayer, and Rabbinic Judaism
Hezser, Catherine (2021). In: Patzelt, Maik, (eds.), Rüpke, Jörg, (eds.) and Weissenrieder, Annette, (eds.), Prayer and the Ancient City: Influences of Urban Space. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp 63-76
View this book sectionL'esclavage entre loi et l'histoire: Judée, VIIIe siècle avant notre ère - IVe siècle
Hezser, Catherine (2021). In: Ismard, Paulin, (ed.), Les Mondes de L'esclavage. Une histoire comparée. Paris: Seuil, pp 61-66
View this book sectionNeighbour, Townsperson, and Fellow Creature: The Regulation of Inter-Human Relationships in Palestinian Rabbinic Texts
Hezser, Catherine (2021). In: Bjelland Kartzow, Marianne, (ed.), The Ambiguous Figure of the Neighbour in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Texts and Receptions. London: Routledge, pp 60-77
View this book sectionDid Palestinian Rabbis Know Roman Law? Methodological Considerations and Case Studies
Hezser, Catherine (2021). In: Berthelot, Katell, (eds.), Dohrmann, Natalie, (eds.) and Nemo-Pekelman, Capucine, (eds.), Legal Engagement. The Reception of Roman Law and Tribunals by Jews and Other Inhabitants of the Empire. Rome: École française de Rome, pp 303-322
View this book sectionInteraction between Rabbis and Non-Rabbinic Jews in Palestinian Rabbinic Literature of Late Antiquity
Hezser, Catherine (2021). In: Hezser, Catherine, (eds.) and Edelman, Diana, (eds.), The Use and Dissemination of Religious Knowledge in Antiquity. Sheffield: Equinox, pp 145-165
View this book sectionIntroduction
Hezser, Catherine (2021). In: Hezser, Catherine, (eds.) and Edelman, Diana, (eds.), The Use and Dissemination of Religious Knowledge in Antiquity. Sheffield: Equinox, pp 1-18
View this book sectionThe Contested Image of King David in Rabbinic and Patristic Literature and Art of Late Antiquity
Hezser, Catherine (2021). In: Witte, Markus, (eds.), Schröter, Jens, (eds.) and Lepper, Verena M., (eds.), Torah, Temple, Land: Constructions of Judaism in Antiquity. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp 277-298
View this book section"Dynamics of Knowledge Transfer Between Jewish and Graeco-Roman Culture: Using Insights from Cultural Studies"
Hezser, Catherine (2021). In: Schmidt, Nora, (eds.), Pissis, Nikolas, (eds.) and Uhlmann, Gyburg, (eds.), Wissensoikonomien: Ordnung und Transgression vormoderner Kulturen. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp 35-49
View this book sectionTorah (Early Reception)
Hezser, Catherine (2020). In: Homolka, Walter, (eds.), Kampling, Rainer, (eds.), Levine, Amy-Jill, (eds.), Markschies, Christoph, (eds.), Schäfer, Peter, (eds.) and Thurner, Martin, (eds.), Encyclopedia of Jewish Christian Relations Online. Berlin: De Gruyter
View this book sectionWomen, Children, and Slaves in Rabbinic Law
Hezser, Catherine (2019). In: Barmash, Pamela, (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Law. New York: Oxford University Press, pp 489-503
View this book section"Prayer in the Saying Source Q and in Early Rabbinic Texts"
Hezser, Catherine (2019). In: Smith, Daniel A., (eds.) and Heil, Christoph, (eds.), Prayer in the Sayings Gospel Q. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp 103-122
View this book sectionRabbis as Intellectuals in the Context of Graeco-Roman and Byzantine Christian Scholasticism
Hezser, Catherine (2019). In: Adams, Sean A., (ed.), Scholastic Culture in the Hellenistic and Roman Eras: Greek, Latin, and Jewish. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, pp 169-185
View this book sectionCourt, Rabbinic
Hezser, Catherine (2019). In: Bagnall, Roger S., (eds.) and Brodersen, Kai, (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. online: Wiley
View this book section"Guidelines for the Ideal Way of Life: Rabbinic Halakhah and Hellenistic Practical Ethics"
Hezser, Catherine (2018). In: Satlow, Michael, (ed.), Strength to Strength: Essays in Honor of Shaye J.D. Cohen. Providence, Rhode Island: Brown Judaic Studies, pp 389-404
View this book sectionFollowers, Servants, and Traitors: The Representation of Disciples in the Synoptic Gospels and in Ancient Judaism
Hezser, Catherine (2018). In: Porter, Stanley E., (eds.) and Pitts, Andrew W., (eds.), Christian Origins and the Establishment of the Early Jesus Movement. Leiden and Boston: Brill, pp 71-86
View this book sectionProstitution: Early Judaism
Hezser, Catherine (2017). Oxford Encyclopedias of the Bible (Oxford Scholarship Online). Oxford: Oxford University Press
View this book sectionTorah als ‘Gesetz’? Überlegungen zum Torahverständnis im antiken Judentum
Hezser, Catherine (2017). In: Rüterswörden, Udo, (ed.), Ist die Tora Gesetz? Zzum Gesetzesverständnis im Alten Testament, Frühjudentum, und Neuem Testament. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, pp 119-140
View this book sectionUncertain Symbol: The Representation of Yavne in the Talmud Yerushalmi
Hezser, Catherine (2017). In: Schwartz, Joshua, (eds.) and Tomson, Peter J., (eds.), Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries: The Interbellum 70‒132 CE. Leiden; Boston: Brill, pp 176-195
View this book sectionStrangers on the Road: Otherness, Identification, and Disguise in Rabbinic Travel Tales of Late Roman Palestine
Hezser, Catherine (2017). In: Niehoff, Maren R., (ed.), Journeys in the Roman East: Imagined and Real. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp 239-253
View this book section"Scribes/scribality"
Hezser, Catherine (2017). In: Thatcher, Tom, (eds.), Keith, Chris, (eds.), Person, Raymond F., (eds.), Stern, Elsie R., (eds.) and Odor, Judith, (eds.), The Dictionary of the Bible and Ancient Media (DBAM). London: Bloomsbury, pp 355-359
View this book sectionOral and Written Communication and Transmission of Knowledge in Ancient Judaism and Christianity
Hezser, Catherine (2016). In: Kelber, Werner H., (eds.) and Sanders, Paula A., (eds.), Oral-Scribal Dimensions of Scripture, Piety, and Practice: Judaism, Christianity, Islam. Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books (Wipf and Stock Publishers), pp 89-109
View this book sectionThe International Context of Samuel Krauss's Scholarship: Network Connections between East and West
Hezser, Catherine (2016). In: Turan, Tamas, (eds.) and Wilke, Carsten, (eds.), Modern Jewish Scholarship in Hungary. The 'Science of Judaism' between East and West. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, pp 175-192
View this book section"Greek and Roman Slaving in Comparative Ancient Perspective: The Level of Integration"
Hezser, Catherine (2016). In: Hodkinson, Stephen, (eds.), Klejwegt, Marc, (eds.) and Vlassopoulos, Kostas, (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Slaveries. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 1-23
View this book sectionRepresentations of the Physician in Jewish Literature from Hellenistic and Roman Times
Hezser, Catherine (2016). In: Harris, William V., (ed.), Popular Medicine in Graeco-Roman Antiquity: Explorations. Leiden and Boston: Brill, pp 173-197
View this book sectionMobility, Flexibility, and the Diasporization of Palestinian Judaism after 70 C.E.
Hezser, Catherine (2016). In: Cordoni, Constanza, (eds.) and Langer, Gerhard, (eds.), 'Let the Wise Listen and Add to Their Learning' (Ps. 1:5). Festschrift for Guenther Stemberger on the Occasion of his 75th Birthday. Berlin; Boston: de Gruyter, pp 197-216
View this book section'For the Lord God is a Sun and a Shield' (Ps. 84:12): Sun Symbolism in Hellenistic Jewish Literature and in Amoraic Midrashim
Hezser, Catherine (2016). In: Leibner, Uzi, (eds.) and Hezser, Catherine, (eds.), Jewish Art in Its Late Antique Context. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp 213-236
View this book section"Jewish Art in Its Late Antique Context: An Introductory Essay"
Hezser, Catherine and Leibner, Uzi (2016). In: Leibner, Uzi, (eds.) and Hezser, Catherine, (eds.), Jewish Art in Its Late Antique Context. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp 1-23
View this book section"The Torah Versus Homer: Jewish and Greco-Roman Education in Late Roman Palestine".
Hezser, Catherine (2016). In: Hauge, Matthew Ryan, (eds.) and Pitts, Andrew W., (eds.), Ancient Education and Early Christianity. London: Bloomsbury, pp 5-24
View this book sectionFrom Oral Conversation to Written Texts: Randomness in the Transmission of Rabbinic Traditions
Hezser, Catherine (2015). In: Weissenrieder, Annette, (eds.) and Coote, Robert B., (eds.), The Interface of Orality and Writing: Speaking, Seeing, Writing in the Shaping of New Genres. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, pp 36-51
View this book section"Slavery: Rabbinic Literature"
Hezser, Catherine (2015). In: Strawn, Brent A., (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Law, Vol. 2. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, pp 312-319
View this book sectionBetween Public and Private: The Significance of the Neutral Domain (Carmelit) in Late Antique Rabbinic Literature
Hezser, Catherine (2015). In: Ruepke, Joerg, (eds.) and Ando, Clifford, (eds.), Private and Public in Ancient Mediterranean Law and Religion. Berlin: de Gruyter, pp 217-236
View this book section"Der Loskauf von Sklaven und Kriegsgefangenen im antiken Judentum"
Hezser, Catherine (2015). In: Grieser, Heike, (eds.) and Priesching, Nicole, (eds.), Gefangenenloskauf im Mittelmeerraum: Ein interreligioeser Vergleich. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, pp 3-23
View this book section"Paul's 'Fool's Speech' (2 Cor. 11:16-32) in the Context of Ancient Jewish and Graeco-Roman Culture"
Hezser, Catherine (2014). In: Tomson, Peter J., (ed.), Second Corinthians in the Perspective of Late Second Temple Judaism. Leiden: Brill, pp 221-244
View this book sectionPart Whore, Part Wife: Slave Women in the Palestinian Rabbinic Tradition
Hezser, Catherine (2013). In: Eisen, Ute E., (eds.), Gerber, Christine, (eds.) and Standhartinger, Angela, (eds.), Doing Gender - Doing Religion. Fallstudien zur Intersektionalitaet im fruehen Judentum, Christentum und Islam. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp 303-324
View this book sectionLaw, Jewish
Hezser, Catherine (2013). In: Bagnall, Roger S., (eds.), Brodersen, Kai, (eds.) and Champion, Craige B., (eds.), The Encyclopaedia of Ancient History. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., pp 3947-3949
View this book sectionAncient 'Science Fiction': Journeys into Space and Visions of the World in Jewish, Christian, and Greco-Roman Literature of Antiquity
Hezser, Catherine (2013). In: Porter, Stanley E., (eds.) and Pitts, Andrew W., (eds.), Christian Origins and Hellenistic Judaism: Social and Literary Contexts for the New Testament; Vol.2 Early Christianity in its Hellenistic Context. Leiden: Brill, pp 397-438
View this book sectionSeduced by the Enemy or Wise Strategy? The Presentation of Non-Violence and Accommodation with Foreign Powers in Ancient Jewish Literary Sources
Hezser, Catherine (2013). In: Albertz, Rainer, (eds.) and Woehrle, Jakob, (eds.), Between Cooperation and Hostility. Multiple Identities in Ancient Judaism and the Interaction with Foreign Powers. Goettingen and Bristol, CT: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, pp 221-250
View this book sectionDirt and Garbage in the Ancient Jewish Religious Imagination and in Daily Life
Hezser, Catherine (2013). In: Boustan, Raanan S., (eds.), Herrmann, Klaus, (eds.), Leicht, Raimund, (eds.) and Reed, Annette Y., (eds.), Envisioning Judaism. Studies in Honor of Peter Schaefer on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp 107-127
View this book sectionThe Jesus Movement as a 'Popular' Judaism for the Unlearned
Hezser, Catherine (2013). In: von Gemuenden, Petra, (eds.), Horrell, David G., (eds.) and Kuechler, Max, (eds.), Jesus - Gestalt und Gestaltungen. Rezeptionen des Galilaeers in Wissenschaft, Kirche und Gesellschaft. Goettingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, pp 79-104
View this book sectionZukunftshoffnung nach der Shoah? Messianismus, Utopie und Unsterblichkeit im Denken von Zygmunt Bauman und Emmanuel Levinas
Hezser, Catherine (2013). In: Palmer, Gesine, (eds.) and Brose, Thomas, (eds.), Religion und Politik: Das Messianische in Theologien, Religionswissenschaften und Philosophien des Zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp 191-207
View this book sectionOrality, Textuality, and Memory in the Transmission of Rabbinic Legal Narratives
Hezser, Catherine (2012). In: Adam, Klaus-Peter, (eds.), Avemarie, Friedrich, (eds.) and Wazana, Nili, (eds.), Law and Narrative in the Bible and in Neighbouring Ancient Cultures. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp 279-295
View this book sectionSlavery and the Jews
Hezser, Catherine (2011). In: Bradley, Keith, (eds.) and Cartledge, Paul, (eds.), The Cambridge World History of Slavery: Volume 1: The Ancient Mediterranean World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 438-455
View this book sectionForm-Criticism of Rabbinic Literature
Hezser, Catherine (2010). In: Bieringer, Reimund, (eds.), Garcia Martinez, Florentino, (eds.), Pollefeyt, Didier, (eds.) and Tomson, Peter J., (eds.), The New Testament and Rabbinic Literature. Leiden and Boston: Brill, pp 97-110
View this book sectionMaterial Culture and Daily Life
Hezser, Catherine (2010). In: Goodman, Martin, (ed.), Rabbinic Texts and the History of Late-Roman Palestine. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 301-317
View this book section"Private and Public Education"
Hezser, Catherine (2010). In: Hezser, Catherine, (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Daily Life in Roman Palestine. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 465-481
View this book sectionFrom Oral Conversations to Written Texts: Randomness in the Transmission of Rabbinic Traditions
Hezser, Catherine (2010). In: Weissenrieder, Annette, (eds.) and Coote, Robert B., (eds.), The Interface of Orality and Writing. Speaking, Seeing, Writing in the Shaping of New Genres. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp 36-51
View this book section"Correlating Literary, Epigraphic, and Archaeological Sources"
Hezser, Catherine (2010). In: Hezser, Catherine, (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Daily Life in Roman Palestine. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 9-27
View this book section"Travel and Mobility"
Hezser, Catherine (2010). In: Hezser, Catherine, (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Daily Life in Roman Palestine. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 210-226
View this book section"The Graeco-Roman Context of Jewish Daily Life in Roman Palestine"
Hezser, Catherine (2010). In: Hezser, Catherine, (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Daily Life in Roman Palestine. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 28-47
View this book sectionBen-Hur and Ancient Jewish Slavery
Hezser, Catherine (2009). In: Rogers, Zuleika, (ed.), A Wandering Galilean: Essays in Honour of Sean Freyne. Leiden; Boston: Brill, pp 121-139
View this book sectionRabbinische Gleichnisse und ihre Vergleichbarkeit mit neutestamentlichen Gleichnissen
Hezser, Catherine (2008). In: Zimmermann, Ruben, (ed.), Hermeneutik der Gleichnisse Jesu. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, pp 217-237
View this book sectionThe Halitza Shoe: Between Female Subjugation and Symbolic Emasculation
Hezser, Catherine (2008). In: Nahshon, Edna, (ed.), Jews and Shoes. Oxford and New York: Berg, pp 47-63
View this book sectionRoman Law and Rabbinic Legal Composition
Hezser, Catherine (2007). In: Fonrobert, Charlotte, (eds.) and Jaffee, Martin, (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Rabbinic Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 144-163
View this book sectionPassover and Social Equality: Women, Slaves and Minors in Bavli Pesahim
Hezser, Catherine (2007). In: Ilan, Tal, (ed.), A Feminist Commentary on the Babylonian Talmud. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, pp 91-107
View this book sectionPost-Colonialism and the Irish-Jewish Experience: The novels of David Marcus and Ronit Lentin
Hezser, Catherine (2007). In: Staehler, Axel, (ed.), Anglophone Jewish Literature. London: Routledge, pp 143-160
View this book sectionThe Impact of Other Disciplines Upon Biblical Scholarship: Diaspora and Rabbinic Judaism
Hezser, Catherine (2006). In: Rogerson, John, (eds.) and Lieu, Judith, (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Biblical Studies. Oxford: Oxford university Press, pp 120-132
View this book section‘The Slave of a Scholar is Like a Scholar’: Stories About Rabbis and Their Slaves in the Babylonian Talmud
Hezser, Catherine (2005). In: Rubenstein, Jeffrey, (ed.), Creation and Composition: The Contribution of the Bavli Redactors. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, pp 198-217
View this book sectionToward the Study of Jewish Popular Culture in Roman Palestine
Hezser, Catherine (2005). In: Perani, Mauro, (ed.), "The Words of a Wise Man’s Mouth Are Gracious" (Qoh. 10,12): Festschrift. Berlin: de Gruyter, pp 267-297
View this book sectionThe Exposure and Sale of Infants in Rabbinic and Roman Law
Hezser, Catherine (2003). In: Herrmann, Klaus, (eds.), Schlueter, Margarete, (eds.) and Veltri, Giuseppe, (eds.), Jewish Studies Between the Disciplines. Leiden: Brill, pp 3-28
View this book sectionSlaves and Slavery in Rabbinic and Roman Law
Hezser, Catherine (2003). In: Hezser, Catherine, (ed.), Rabbinic Law in Its Roman and Near Eastern Context. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp 133-176
View this book sectionLiteracy and the Use of Writing in Jewish and Roman Society of Late Antiquity
Hezser, Catherine (2003). In: Kalmin, Richard, (eds.) and Schwartz, Seth, (eds.), Jewish Culture and Society Under the Christian Roman Empire. Leiden and New York: Peeters, pp 149-195
View this book sectionDer Rabbi als spezifisch juedische Identifikationsfigur der Spaetantike
Hezser, Catherine (2003). In: Aland, Barbara, (eds.), Hahn, Johannes, (eds.) and Ronning, Christian, (eds.), Literarische Konstituierung von Identifikationsfiguren in der Antike. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, pp 139-153
View this book sectionThe Mishnah and Ancient Book Production
Hezser, Catherine (2002). In: Neusner, J., (eds.) and Avery-Peck, A. J., (eds.), The Mishnah in Contemporary Perspective. Vol.1. Leiden: Brill, pp 167-192
View this book sectionThe Social Status of Slaves in the Talmud Yerushalmi and in Graeco-Roman Society
Hezser, Catherine (2002). In: Schaefer, Peter, (ed.), The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture. Vol. 3. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, pp 91-137
View this book sectionEinheit und Vielfalt in der rabbinischen Halakhah
Hezser, Catherine (2002). In: Konradt, Matthias, (eds.) and Steinert, Ulrike, (eds.), Ethos und Identität. Einheit und Vielfalt des Judentums in hellenistisch-römischer Zeit. Paderborn: Schöningh, pp 149-163
View this book sectionClassical Rabbinic Literature
Hezser, Catherine (2002). In: Goodman, Martin, (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 115-140
View this book sectionRabbis and Other Friends: Friendship in the Talmud Yerushalmi and in Graeco-Roman Literature
Hezser, Catherine (2000). In: Hezser, Catherine, (eds.) and Schäfer, Peter, (eds.), The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture. Vol.2. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, pp 189-254
View this book sectionThe (In)Significance of Jerusalem in the Talmud Yerushalmi
Hezser, Catherine (2000). In: Hezser, Catherine, (eds.) and Schäfer, Peter, (eds.), The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture. Vol.2. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, pp 11-49
View this book sectionInterfaces Between Rabbinic Literature and Graeco-Roman Philosophy
Hezser, Catherine (2000). In: Hezser, Catherine, (eds.) and Schäfer, Peter, (eds.), The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture. Vol.2. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, pp 161-187
View this book section‘Privat’ und ‘öffentlich’ im Talmud Yerushalmi und in der griechisch-römischen Antike
Hezser, Catherine (1998). In: Schäfer, Peter, (ed.), The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture. Vol.1. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, pp 423-579
View this book sectionThe Codification of Legal Knowledge in Late Antiquity: The Talmud Yerushalmi and Roman Law Codes
Hezser, Catherine (1998). In: Schäfer, Peter, (ed.), The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture. Vol.1. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, pp 581-641
View this book sectionApophthegmata Patrum and Apophthegmata of the Rabbis
Hezser, Catherine (1995). La Narrativa Cristiana Antica. Codici Narrativi, Strutture Formali, Schemi Retorici. Rome: Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, pp 453-464
View this book sectionReview of: Andreas Lehnardt, Übersetzung des Talmud Yerushalmi, vol. 1.5: Seder Zeraim: Shevi’it, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2023
Hezser, Catherine (2024). Review of Biblical Literature (2024)
View this book reviewReview of: Ben Zion Rosenfeld, Credit and Usury in Jewish Society in the Mishnah and Talmud, Leiden: Brill, 2024
Hezser, Catherine (2024). Theologische Literaturzeitung (149) 10, pp 917-919
View this book reviewReview of: Gail Labovitz, Massekhet Mo'ed Qatan. A Feminist Commentary on the Babylonian Talmud II/10, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2021
Hezser, Catherine (2023). Theologische Literaturzeitung (148) 1/2, pp 19-20
View this book reviewReview of: Katell Berthelot, Jews and Their Roman Rivals: Pagan Rome's Challenge to Israel (Princeton, NJ and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2021)
Hezser, Catherine (2022). Journal for the Study of Judaism (53) 4/5, pp 579-581
View this book reviewReview of: Mira Balberg and Haim Weiss, When Near Becomes Far. Old Age in Rabbinic Literature (Oxford: OUP, 2021)
Hezser, Catherine (2022). Theologische Literaturzeitung (147) 6, pp 547-549
View this book reviewReview of: T. Ilan et al. (eds.), Rabbinische Literatur, Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer, 2021
Hezser, Catherine (2022). Theologische Literaturzeitung (147) 1/2, pp 45-47
View this book reviewReview of: Reuven Kiperwasser, Going West: Migrating Personae and Construction of the Self in Rabbinic Culture (Providence, RI: Brown Judaic Studies, 2021)
Hezser, Catherine (2022). Journal for the Study of Judaism (53) 3, pp 445-447
View this book reviewReview of: Abigail Gillman, A History of German Jewish Bible Translation, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2018
Hezser, Catherine (2022). Journal of Modern Jewish Studies (21) 1, pp 123-124
View this book reviewReview of: Hans Georg Thümmel: Ikonologie der christlichen Kunst, vol. 1: Alte Kirche. Paderborn: Schöningh (Brill) 2019
Hezser, Catherine (2021). Rottenburger Jahrbuchs für Kirchengeschichte (39), pp 425-428
View this book reviewReview of: Francesco Zanella, Vergeltungsvorstellungen in der tannaitischen Literatur (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019)
Hezser, Catherine (2021). Theologische Literaturzeitung (146) 6, pp 538-540
View this book reviewReview of: Michael Flexsenhar, Christians in Caesar’s Household: The Emperors’ Slaves in the Makings of Christianity (Pennsylvania State University Press 2019)
Hezser, Catherine (2021). Review of Biblical Literature (2021)
View this book reviewReview of: Eyal Ben-Eliyahu, Identity and Territory. Jewish Perceptions of Space in Antiquity (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2019)
Hezser, Catherine (2020). Theologische Literaturzeitung (145) 10, pp 920-922
View this book reviewReview of: Michal Bar-Asher Siegal, Jewish-Christian Dialogues on Scripture in Late Antiquity: Heretical Narratives of the Babylonian Talmud, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019
Hezser, Catherine (2020). Journal of Jewish Studies (71) 2, pp 440-443
View this book reviewReview of: Frauen im antiken Judentum und frühen Christentum, ed. Jörg Frey and Nicole Rupschus, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019
Hezser, Catherine (2020). Review of Biblical Literature
View this book reviewReview of: Ilana L. Ramelli, Social Justice and the Legitimacy of Slavery: The Role of Philosophical Asceticism from Ancient Judaism to Late Antiquity.
Hezser, Catherine (2019). The Journal of Religion (99) 3, pp 395-397
View this book reviewReview of: Aidan Beatty and Dan O'Brien, eds. Irish Questions and Jewish Questions: Crossovers in Culture. Irish Studies. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2018
Hezser, Catherine (2019). Journal of British Studies (58) 2, pp 438-440
View this book review"Review of: Richard Hidary, Rabbis and Classical Rhetoric. Sophistic Education and Oratory in the Talmud and Midrash, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017".
Hezser, Catherine (2019). Theologische Literaturzeitung (144) 1/2, pp 49-51
View this book review"Review of: Peter Schäfer, Zwei Götter m Himmel. Gottesvorstellungen in der jüdischen Antike. München: Verlag C.H. Beck, 2017".
Hezser, Catherine (2018). Journal of Jewish Studies (69) 2, pp 417-419
View this book reviewReview of: Walter Homolka, Jesus Reclaimed. Jewish Perspectives on the Nazarene (New York: Berghahn Books, 2015); Jewish Jesus Research and its Challenge to Christology Today (Leiden: Brill, 2017)
Hezser, Catherine (2017). Theologische Literaturzeitung (142) 12, pp 1320-1322
View this book reviewReview of: Jonathan S. Milgram, From Mesopotamia to the Mishnah. Tannaitic Inheritance Law in Its Legal and Social Contexts, Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2016.
Hezser, Catherine (2017). Theologische Literaturzeitung (142) 11, pp 1175-1177
View this book reviewReview of: Michal Bar-Asher Siegal, Early Christian Monastic Literature and the Babylonian Talmud, New York: CUP, 2013
Hezser, Catherine (2017). Journal of Jewish Studies (68) 2, pp 411-413
View this book reviewReview of: Julia Watts Belser, Power, Ethics, and Ecology in Jewish Late Antiquity. Rabbinic Responses to Drought and Disaster. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015
Hezser, Catherine (2017). Theologische Literaturzeitung (142) 3, pp 188-190
View this book reviewReview of: Uri Gabbay and Shai Secunda (eds), Encounters by the Rivers of Babylon. Scholarly Conversations Between Jews, Iranians and Babylonians in Antiquity. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2014.
Hezser, Catherine (2016). Theologische Literaturzeitung (141) 5, pp 453-456
View this book reviewReview of: Jason Sion Mokhtarian, Rabbis, Sorcerers, Kings, and Priests. The Culture of the Talmud in Ancient Iran, Oakland: University of California Press, 2015.
Hezser, Catherine (2016). Theologische Literaturzeitung (141) 6, pp 456-457
View this book reviewReview of: Jane L. Kanarek, Biblical Narrative and the Formation of Rabbinic Law, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
Hezser, Catherine (2016). Theologische Literaturzeitung (141) 3, pp 181-182
View this book reviewReview of: Christian C. 'Sahner, Among the Ruins: Syria Past and Present', London: Hurst and Company, 2014
Hezser, Catherine (2015). LSE Review of Books
View this book reviewReview of: Nikolsky, Ronit and Ilan, Tal (eds), Rabbinic Traditions Between Palestine and Babylonia, Leiden: Brill, 2014
Hezser, Catherine (2015). Journal of Jewish Studies (66) 1, pp 217-219
View this book reviewReview of: Mira Balberg, Purity, Body, and Self in Early Rabbinic Literature, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2014.
Hezser, Catherine (2015). Journal of Jewish Studies (66) 2, pp 442-444
View this book reviewReview of: Weiss Halivni, David, The Formation of the Babylonian Talmud. Introduced, translated, and annotated by Jeffrey L. Rubenstein, Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.
Hezser, Catherine (2015). Journal of Jewish Studies (66) 1, pp 215-217
View this book reviewReview of: Vidas, Moulie: Tradition and Formation of the Talmud, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2014.
Hezser, Catherine (2015). Journal of Jewish Studies (66) 1, pp 219-222
View this book reviewReview of: Thierry Murcia, Jésus dans le Talmud et la littérature rabbinique ancienne, Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2014.
Hezser, Catherine (2015). Theologische Literaturzeitung (140) 10, pp 1071-1072
View this book reviewReview of: David Kaposi, Violence and Understanding in Gaza: The British Broadsheets' Coverage of the War, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014
Hezser, Catherine (2014). LSE Review of Books
View this book reviewReview of: Sarah Ferber, 'Bioethics in Historical Perspective'. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013
Hezser, Catherine (2014). LSE Review of Books
View this book reviewReview of: Marcel Danesi, 'The History of the Kiss! The Birth of Popular Culture', Palgrave Macmillan , 2013
Hezser, Catherine (2014). LSE Review of Books
View this book reviewReview of: Alan Appelbaum, The Dynasty of the Jewish Patriarchs, Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2013
Hezser, Catherine (2014). Theologische Literaturzeitung (139) 7/8, pp 859-861
View this book reviewReview of: Alexander Samely et al., 'Profiling Jewish Literature in Antiquity: An Inventory, from Second Temple Texts to the Talmud'
Hezser, Catherine (2014). Journal of Jewish Studies (65) 2, pp 423-425
View this book reviewReview of Jenny Labendz, 'Socratic Torah: Non-Jews in Rabbinic Intellectual Culture'
Hezser, Catherine (2014). Journal of Jewish Studies (65) 2, pp 425-427
View this book reviewReview of: Margaret H. Williams, 'Jews in a Graeco-Roman Environment'. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2013
Hezser, Catherine (2014). Theologische Literaturzeitung (139) 5, pp 561-563
View this book reviewReview of: Shai Secunda, The Iranian Talmud: Reading the Bavli in its Sasanian Context, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013
Hezser, Catherine (2014). Theologische Literaturzeitung (139) 7/8, pp 867-869
View this book reviewReview of: Rachel Neis, 'The Sense of Sight in Rabbinic Culture. Jewish Ways of Seeing in Late Antiquity'. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013
Hezser, Catherine (2014). Theologische Literaturzeitung (139) 5, pp 557-559
View this book review"Review of: Moshe Simon-Shoshan, Stories of the Law: Narrative Discourse and the Construction of Authority in the Mishnah, New York: Oxford University Press, 2012"
Hezser, Catherine (2014). Journal of Semitic Studies (59) 2, pp 459-460
View this book reviewReview of: Katrin Pietzner, Bildung, Elite, und Konkurrenz. Heiden und Christen vor der Zeit Constantins, STAC 77, Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2013.
Hezser, Catherine (2014). Theologische Literaturzeitung (139) 1, pp 79-80
View this book reviewReview of: Hayim Lapin, Rabbis as Romans. The Rabbinic Movement in Palestine, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012
Hezser, Catherine (2013). Theologische Literaturzeitung (138) 4, pp 428-430
View this book reviewReview of: Benjamin Isaac and Yuval Shahar, eds., Judaea-Palaestina, Babylon and Rome: Jews in Antiquity, Tuebingen: mohr Siebeck, 2012
Hezser, Catherine (2013). Theologische Literaturzeitung (138) 4, pp 422-424
View this book reviewReview of: Lutz Doering, Ancient Jewish Letters and the Beginnings of Christian Epistolography, Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2012
Hezser, Catherine (2013). Theologische Literaturzeitung (138) 6, pp 665-667
View this book reviewReview of: Geoffrey Herman, 'A Prince Without a Kingdom: The Exilarch in the Sasanian Era'. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2012
Hezser, Catherine (2013). Theologische Literaturzeitung (138) 7/8, pp 790-792
View this book reviewReview of: Naftali S. Cohn, The Memory of the Temple and the Making of the Rabbis, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013
Hezser, Catherine (2013). Theologische Literaturzeitung (138) 10, pp 1077-1079
View this book reviewReview of: Eyal Ben-Eliyahu, Yehudah Cohn, and Fergus Millar, 'Handbook of Jewish Literature from Late Antiquity, 135-700 CE'. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013
Hezser, Catherine (2013). Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (76) 3, pp 497-499
View this book review"Review of: Peter J. Beck, Presenting History: Past and Present, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011".
Hezser, Catherine (2012). LSE Review of Books (2012)
View this book reviewReview of John A. Hall, 'Ernest Gellner: An Intellectual Biography'. London and New York: Verso. 2011.
Hezser, Catherine (2012). LSE Review of Books
View this book reviewReview of: Moshe Halbertal, On Sacrifice. Princeton: Princeton University Press 2012
Hezser, Catherine (2012). LSE Review of Books
View this book reviewReview of Reuven Firestone, Holy War in Judaism: The Fall and Rise of a Controversial Idea, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2012
Hezser, Catherine (2012). LSE Review of Books
View this book reviewReview of: Ra'anan S. Boustan, Oren Kosansky, Marina Rustow (eds.), "Jewish Studies at the Crossroads of Anthropology and History. Authority, Diaspora, Tradition". Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011.
Hezser, Catherine (2012). Theologische Literaturzeitung (137) 2, pp 153-154
View this book reviewReview of: Holger M. Zellentin, Rabbinic Parodies of Jewish and Christian Literature, TSAJ 139, Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck 2011
Hezser, Catherine (2012). Theologische Literaturzeitung (137) 1, pp 32-33
View this book reviewReview of: Jodi Magness, 'Stone and Dung, Oil and Spit: Daily Life in the Time of Jesus'. Grand Rapids, MI, and Cambridge: Eerdmans, 2011
Hezser, Catherine (2012). The Journal of Theological Studies (63) 1
View this book reviewReview of: Joseph Patrich, Studies in the Archaeology and History of Caesarea Maritima, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2011
Hezser, Catherine (2012). Theologische Literaturzeitung (137) 7-8, pp 799-800
View this book reviewReview of: Korbinian Spann, Beschreibung und Wahrnehmung des Fremden in der rabbinischen Literatur, Bern 2010
Hezser, Catherine (2012). Orientalische Literaturzeitung (107) 4-5, pp 266-268
View this book reviewReview of: Alexei Sivertsev, Judaism and Imperial Ideology in Late Antiquity, Cambridge: CUP, 2011
Hezser, Catherine (2012). Gnomon (84), pp 760-761
View this book reviewReview of: Johanna Erzberger, Kain, Abel und Israel. Die Rezeption von Gen 4,1-16 in rabbinischen Midraschim. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2011.
Hezser, Catherine (2011). Orientalische Literaturzeitung (106) 6, pp 398-399
View this book reviewReview of Devora Steinmetz, Punishment and Freedom: The Rabbinic Construction of Criminal Law, Philadelphia 2008
Hezser, Catherine (2010). Journal of Jewish Studies (61) 1, pp 178
View this book reviewReview of Tal Ilan and Thomas Ziem, Lexicon of Jewish Names in Late Antiquity, Part III: The Western Diaspora 333 BCE - 650 CE, Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 2008
Hezser, Catherine (2010). Journal of Jewish Studies (61) 1, pp 178-179
View this book reviewReview of Gwynn Kessler, Conceiving Israel: The Foetus in Rabbinic Narratives, Philadelphia 2009
Hezser, Catherine (2010). Review of Biblical Literature
View this book reviewReview of: Albert I. Baumgarten, Elias Bickerman as a Historian of the Jews. A Twentieth Century Tale, Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck 2010.
Hezser, Catherine (2010). Theologische Literaturzeitung (135) 10, pp 1080-1082
View this book reviewReview of: Eckart Reinmuth (ed.), Joseph und Aseneth. Eingeleitet, ediert, uebersetzt u.m. interpretierenden Essays versehen. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 2009.
Hezser, Catherine (2010). Theologische Literaturzeitung (135) 10, pp 1086-1088
View this book reviewReview of: The Routledge Companion to Religion and Film, ed. John Lyden, London 2009
Hezser, Catherine (2010). Culture and Religion (11) 3, pp 305-307
View this book reviewReview of: David Daube, The Deed and the Doer in the Bible. David Daube's Giffort Lectured, ed. Calum Carmichael. West Conshohoken, Penn.: Templeton Foundation Press, 2008
Hezser, Catherine (2009). Hebraic political studies (4) 2, pp 190-194
View this book reviewReview of: David Brodsky, 'A Bride Without a Blessing: A Study in the Redaction and Content of Massekhet Kallah and Its Gemara', Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 2006
Hezser, Catherine (2009). Journal of Jewish Studies (60) 1, pp 154-156
View this book reviewReview of: Annelies Kuyt and Gerold Necker (eds.), 'Orient als Grenzbereich? Rabbinisches und ausserrabbinisches' Judentum, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2008
Hezser, Catherine (2009). Theologische Literaturzeitung (134) 3, pp 283-284
View this book reviewReview of Israel J. Yuval, 'Two Nations in Your Womb: Perceptions of Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages'
Hezser, Catherine (2008). Journal of the American Academy of Religion (76) 1, pp 202-205
View this book reviewReview of: Juergen Zangenberg et al. (eds), 'Religion, Ethnicity and Identity in Ancient Galilee'. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 2007
Hezser, Catherine (2008). Frankfurter Judaistische Beitraege (34), pp 204-208
View this book reviewReview of Alexander Samely, 'Forms of Rabbinic Literature and Thought. An Introduction'
Hezser, Catherine (2008). Journal of Jewish Studies (59) 2, pp 328-329
View this book reviewReview of: Emmanuel Friedheim, 'Rabbinisme et Paganisme en Palestine romaine'. Etude historique des Realia talmudiques (I - IV siecles), Leiden: Brill, 2006
Hezser, Catherine (2008). Frankfurter Judaistische Beitraege (34), pp 201-204
View this book reviewReview of Rivka Ulmer, ed., 'Discussing Cultural Differences. Text, Context, and Non-Text in Rabbinic Judaism', Lanham: University Press of America, 2007
Hezser, Catherine (2008). Theologische Literaturzeitung (133) 10, pp 1055-1057
View this book reviewReview of Peter Schäfer, 'Jesus in the Talmud'
Hezser, Catherine (2007). Review of Biblical Literature
View this book reviewReview of Dagmar Börner-Klein, 'Pirke de-Rabbi Elieser'
Hezser, Catherine (2007). Jewish Quarterly Review (97) 2, pp 39-42
View this book reviewReview of Christopher Deacy, 'Faith in Films. Religious Themes in Contemporary Cinema'
Hezser, Catherine (2007). Culture and Religion (8) 1, pp 105-107
View this book reviewReview of S. Safrai, Z. Safrai, J. Schwartz, P.J. Tompson (eds), 'The Literature of the Sages, Second Part: Midrash and Targum, Liturgy, Poetry, Mysticism, Contracts, Inscriptions, Ancient Science and the Languages of Rabbinic Literature'. CRINT II.3a, Van Gorcum, 2006.
Hezser, Catherine (2007). The Expository Times (118) 11, pp 570-571
View this book reviewReview of H.-J. Becker/C. Berner, 'Avot de-Rabbi-Natan. Synoptische Edition beider Versionen'
Hezser, Catherine (2007). Journal of Jewish Studies (58) 2, pp 348-350
View this book reviewReview of Vered Noam, 'Megillat Ta’anit: Versions, Interpretation, History [Hebr.]'
Hezser, Catherine (2007). Jewish Quarterly Review (97) 2, pp 39-42
View this book reviewReview of Ronen Reichman, 'Abduktives Denken und talmudische Argumentation'
Hezser, Catherine (2007). Theologische Literaturzeitung (132), pp 150-152
View this book reviewReview of: Stuart S. Miller, 'Sages and Commoners in Late Antique Erez Israel. A Philological Inquiry into Local Traditions in Talmud Yerushalmi'. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 2006
Hezser, Catherine (2007). Jahrbuch fuer Antike und Christentum (50), pp 220-222
View this book reviewReview of Marc Bregman, 'The Tanhuma-Yelammedenu Literature: Studies in the Evolution of the Versions'
Hezser, Catherine (2007). Jewish Quarterly Review (97) 2, pp 39-42
View this book reviewReview of Jacob Neusner, 'The Social Teaching of Rabbinic Judaism'
Hezser, Catherine (2006). Orientalische Literaturzeitung (101) 1, pp 56-59
View this book reviewReview of Michael Fishbane, 'Biblical Myth and Rabbinic Mythmaking'
Hezser, Catherine (2006). Journal of Jewish Studies (57) 2, pp 350-352
View this book reviewReview of Rabbi Chaim Malinowitz (ed.), 'The Schottenstein Edition of the Talmud Yerushalmi'
Hezser, Catherine (2006). Journal of Jewish Studies (57) 2, pp 356-358
View this book reviewReview of Eliezer Diamond, 'Holy Men and Hunger Artists. Fasting and Asceticism in Rabbinic Culture'
Hezser, Catherine (2006). Journal of Jewish Studies (57) 2, pp 358-360
View this book reviewReview of Elke Tönges, 'Unser Vater im Himmel: Die Bezeichnung Gottes als Vater in der tannaitischen Literatur'
Hezser, Catherine (2005). Orientalische Literaturzeitung (100) 1, pp 76-80
View this book reviewReview of David Instone-Brewer, 'Traditions of the Rabbis from the Era of the New Testament, vol.1: Prayer and Agriculture'
Hezser, Catherine (2005). Journal of Jewish Studies (56) 2, pp 347-349
View this book reviewReview of Sacha Stern, 'Time and Process in Ancient Judaism'
Hezser, Catherine (2005). Journal of Jewish Studies (56) 2, pp 350-352
View this book reviewReview of Azzan Yadin 'Scripture as Logos: Rabbi Ishmael and the Origins of Midrash'
Hezser, Catherine (2005). Journal of Jewish Studies (56) 2, pp 349-350
View this book reviewReview of Ray Rivlin, 'Shalom Ireland: A Social History of the Jews in Modern Ireland'
Hezser, Catherine (2004). Times Literary Supplement (5) 1
View this book reviewReview of Guiseppe Veltri, 'Gegenwart der Tradition. Studien zur jüdischen Literatur und Kulturgeschichte'
Hezser, Catherine (2004). Journal of Jewish Studies (55) 1, pp 176-178
View this book reviewReview of Michael Satlow, 'Jewish Marriage in Antiquity'
Hezser, Catherine (2004). Journal of Jewish Studies (55) 1, pp 178-180
View this book reviewReview of Alexander Samely, 'Rabbinic Interpretation of Scripture in the Mishnah'
Hezser, Catherine (2003). Journal of Jewish Studies (54) 1, pp 167-168
View this book reviewReview of Jennifer Glancy, 'Slavery in Early Christianity'
Hezser, Catherine (2003). Scripta Classica Israelica (22), pp 1-3
View this book reviewReview of Phyllis Holman, 'Weisbard and David Schonberg, Jewish Law: Bibliography of Sources and Scholarship in English'
Hezser, Catherine (2002). Journal of Law and Religion (17), pp 141-142
View this book reviewReview of Calum E. Carmichael (ed.), 'Essays on Law and Religion. The Berkeley and Oxford Symposia in Honour of David Daube'
Hezser, Catherine (2002). Journal of Law and Religion (17), pp 137-140
View this book reviewReview of Louis Jacobs, 'A Tree of Life. Diversity, Flexibility, and Creativity in Jewish Law'
Hezser, Catherine (2002). Journal of Law and Religion (17), pp 133-136
View this book reviewReview of Hans-Jürgen Becker, 'Die grossen rabbinischen Sammelwerke Palästinas. Zur literarischen Genese von Talmud Yerushalmi und Midrash Bereshit Rabba'
Hezser, Catherine (2000). Journal for the Study of Judaism (31) 3, pp 305-308
View this book reviewReview of Tal Ilan, 'Integrating Women into Second Temple History'
Hezser, Catherine (2000). Frankfurter Judaistische Beitraege (27), pp 157-164
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