School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics

Dr Mia Chen Ma

Key information

School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Post-Doctoral Research Associate
BA (Wuhan), MA (Urbana), PhD (London)
Email address


Dr Mia Chen Ma received her BA and MA in Chinese Literature and Language from Wuhan University and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign respectively.

She then earned her PhD in Chinese Literature and Culture from SOAS in 2022. She is currently revising her PhD thesis into a book, tentatively entitled Ecocriticism in Chinese Science Fiction: Risk, Failure, and Solastalgia (Brill). Her research interests include modern and contemporary Chinese literature, speculative fictions, and ecocriticism.

Her research articles and book chapters have appeared or are forthcoming in a number of scholarly journals and edited volumes, including Ecocriticism and Chinese Literature: Imagined Landscapes and Real Lived SpacesThe Edinburgh Companion to Science Fiction and the Medical HumanitiesExtrapolationPrism: Theory and Modern Chinese Literature, SFRA ReviewVectorBochum Yearbook of East Asian Studies, etc. Her most recent research project focuses on cultures of care, and explores the intersection between medical and environmental humanities.

Research interests

  • Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature
  • Ecocriticism and Speculative Fiction
  • Risk discourse and Contemporary Chinese Society
  • Literature and Medical Humanities
  • Posthumanism and Taoism

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