Department of Development Studies

Dr Colette Harris

Key information

Department of Development Studies Reader in Gender and Development Member Research Cluster Member Academic Staff, Centre of Contemporary Central Asia and the Caucasus Principal Investigator
PhD (Amsterdam, NL)
Russell Square: College Buildings
Telephone number
020 7898 4488


I am a micro-political scientist all of whose research is reflected through a gender analytical lens, with a particular focus on the relational aspects of masculinities and femininities. 

I specialise in grass-roots pedagogies for social change, particularly in relation to violence reduction during and after conflict situations. Further interests are in the fields of gender and religion, sexualities, (reproductive) health, and community development. I have worked in all three continents of the global south but my main areas of expertise are Central Asia, and East and West Africa. Before joining SOAS, I was in the School of Development Studies at the University of East Anglia, and a fellow at the Institute of Development Studies.

Office hours

Research interests

My research interests centre on gender and micro-political power. This includes exploring the relationship between masculinities, femininities, and violence, and between gender and religion.  I also put into practice and research the workings and impact of post-Freirean, community-based pedagogies, particularly focused through participatory gender analysis with a further specialism in public health education. 

I have further been working on developing empowering ways of imparting agricultural technologies to farmers in the global south, to date mainly in Ecuador.  Much of my earlier work was carried out in Tajikistan but recently I have been mainly involved in Uganda and Nigeria.

PhD Supervision

Name Title
Philip Hadley
Yuan Zhong How do gender norms influence the marriages between tongzhi and tongqi?


Contact Colette