15th Annual SOAS Law PhD Colloquium 2023: "Law, Rights and Decolonisation"

Key information
- Date
- Time
8:30 am to 5:00 pm
- Venue
- Paul Webley Wing, First Floor & ZOOM
- Room
- Wolfson Lecture Theatre
About this event
SOAS School of Law presents the 15th Annual Law PhD Colloquium
Law PhD scholars will present their papers, discuss them in a supportive environment, get feedback on their ongoing research, and extend their academic network. This year’s theme is Law, Rights and Decolonisation, which is designed to address multiple contemporary legal issues under the following topics (but not limited to):
- Decolonising Legal Concepts
- Human Rights and Humanitarian Issues
- Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL)
- State Responsibilities in International Law
- Food, Energy and Natural Resources
- Environment, Climate Change, Trade and Development
- Investment Law and Arbitration
- Contemporary Public and Private Law Issues
- Disability, Ethnicity and Indigenous Rights
- Freedom of Religious Beliefs
- Media and Right to Protest
- Gender Rights and Feminism
- Intellectual Property Rights
8:30am - 9:00am | Welcome and keynote PROFESSOR EDDIE BRUCE-JONES, Head of the School of Law |
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM | SESSION 1 |
Panel 1: Changing Notions of International Law | Discussant: Dr Michelle Staggs Kelsall
Panel 2: Water Rights in South Asia & Climate Refugees | Discussant: Dr Birsha Ohdedar
11:00 AM - 11:15 AM | TEA BREAK |
11:15 AM - 13:15 | SESSION 2 |
Panel 3: Human Rights in Courts | Discussants: Dr Nicolette Busuttil
Panel 4: Decolonising Legal Concepts | Discussant: Dr Parvathi Menon
13:15 - 14:00 | LUNCH BREAK |
14:00 - 15:00 | SESSION 3 |
Panel 5: Political Economy, Sustainable Development & Natural Resources | Discussant: Dr Nada Ali
15:00 - 16:20 | SESSION 4 |
Panel 6: Legal History, Constitutionalism & Global South | Discussant: Dr Nimer Sultany
Panel 7: Gender Rights & Feminism | Discussant: Professor Gina Heathcote (Newcastle Law School) and Dr Sidonia Lucia Kula
16:30 – 17:00 | TEA & SOCIAL GATHERING |
PDF document, 643.21KB
Register here to attend in person or via ZOOM
The 15th Annual SOAS Law PhD Colloquium (2023), themed around ‘Law, Rights, and Decolonisation,’ is a collaborative effort of PhD students in the School of Law, including Denise Naicker, KMS Tareq, Lily Okech, Madhuri Xalxo, Rana Osman, Sharowat Shamin, and Victoria Stainsby. This colloquium would not have been possible without the active supervision of our Director of Doctoral Studies, Professor Philippe Cullet. The student committee has worked with SOAS staff and faculty to successfully organise the colloquium. We thank the school of law faculty acting as respondents and the various departments and individuals across SOAS who contributed to this event.