16th Annual SOAS Law PhD Colloquium 2024: "Law in Transformation"

Key information

9:00 am to 5:00 pm
SOAS Doctoral School
Lady David Gallery

About this event

Law has been a stable reality of human life in myriad forms for its role in society. Additionally, the category of law is dynamic and overlaps in its imagination, construction, and operation. These transformations have highlighted various sites of conflict, challenges, convergences, and agreements.

Join us for the 16th Annual SOAS School of Law PhD Colloquium 2024 to hear from brilliant PhD researchers tackling and unpacking these complex dynamics, formations, and law transformations in a globalized world. Legal systems, practices, and theories are continually in flux, responding to and shaping the complexities of contemporary society at various junctures. It's a fantastic opportunity for PhD students and academics to share their research ideas, engage in lively discussions, attend thought-provoking presentations, and connect with fellow scholars.

Potential contributions include but are not limited to:  

  • Crisis within International Law and Human Rights ‘Guarantees’. 
  • Transnational Legal Systems Confronting Questions raised by TWAIL.  
  • Ecological Law and Harmony with Nature: Perspectives on Climate Change, possible Approaches and Challenges. 
  • AI and Digital Technologies: Challenges to Equality. 
  • Challenges from Customary Law in Contemporary Legal Practice. 
  • Contemporary Legal Thought and Their Impact on the Transformations of Law and Developing Jurisprudence. 
  • Costs of Convergence in Constitutional Law: Subaltern Movements and Approaches to Legal Remedies. 



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Professor Eddie Bruce-Jones, Head of Law School 

9:15 AM - 11:15 AM | SESSION 1 

Panel 1: Crisis within International Law and ‘Human Rights’ Guarantees 

Discussant(s): TBA 

“Claiming torture: navigating research through a trans rights backlash” Matteo Bassetti (University of Essex) 
Universal Populist Institutional Jurisdictional or International Bio-RequirementSomayeh Gharehdaghi (Islamic Azad University) and Seyed Hossein Mirjafari (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance of Iran) 
Engagement with Non-Territorial Entities under International LawMuhammed Emmre Hayyar (University of the West of England) 
CONSPACE: Border Spaces, Vulnerability, and IdentityDanielle C. Jefferis (Maynooth University) 
The right to be free from discrimination under the ECHR: a protective framework against Conversion Practices?Amélie Courtine (Leicester Law School) 

Panel 2: Transnational Legal Systems confronting Questions raised by TWAIL 

Discussant(s): Dr Parvathi Menon 

The Unlawful Global Business of Contemporary Slavery and Trafficking in Human BeingsLily Okech (SOAS University of London) 

Constructing the Paradigm of Suffering under Article 3 of the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR)Isabella Da Re (Royal Holloway, University of London) 

11:15 AM - 11:30 AM | TEA BREAK 
11:30 AM - 13:15 | SESSION 2 

Panel 3: Ecological Law and Harmony with Nature: Perspectives on Climate Change, Possible Approaches and Challenges 

Discussant(s): TBA 

The Lack of Legal Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage for Forced Climate MigrantsHeather Gill-Frerking (Carleton University) 
Environmental rights and indigenous customary law. Harmony and conflict in approaching ecological balance in Bali and Kalimantan provincesMarta Simonetti (SOAS University of London)  

Panel 4: AI and Digital Technologies: Challenges to Equity 

Discussant(s): TBA 

Using New Ways of Working on Ottoman Legal Historiography: Text Reuse Detection and Its PossibilitiesSefer Korkmaz (Istanbul University) 

What Do Regulations Reveal about ‘Intent’ in Distinguishing Misinformation and Disinformation on Social Media Platforms: Based on the Analysis of Section 179 of the Online Safety ActZizhang Cheng (University of Bristol) 

13:15 - 14:00 | LUNCH BREAK 
14:00 - 15:45 | SESSION 3 

Panel 5: Contemporary Legal Thought and their Impact on the Transformations of Law and Developing Jurisprudence  

Discussant(s): Professor Martin Lau 

“Sharia-based Criminal Reconciliations in the Modern Muslim States: Enforcing the Public Rights Through Private Justice” Gaber Mohamed (Birkbeck, University of London) 
Notions of Justice in Islamic Jurisprudence and the Politics of “Yes, But…” of Legal DebatesRana Osman (SOAS University of London) 
Law, Rap and Video Nasties: A Normative Account of the Relationship between Law and Art” James Milton (University College London) 
15:45 - 16:45 | SESSION 4 

Panel 6: Costs of Convergence in Constitutional Law: Subaltern Movements and Approaches to Legal Remedies 

Discussant(s): TBA 

Extraterritorial Prescriptive Jurisdiction in Inter-State Lawfare Unveiling Conflicts and Prospects for CoordinationZihao Fan (Peking University) 
Between Law and Technology: The Pugwash Conferences on Science and World AffairsDenise Naicker (SOAS University of London) 

16:45 – 16:55 | CLOSING REMARKS 

Professor Nimer Sultany, Public Law  

(SOAS University of London) 

16:55 – 17:00 | TEA & SOCIAL GATHERING 

The 16th Annual SOAS Law PhD Colloquium (2024), themed around ‘Law in Transformation,’ is a collaborative effort of PhD students in the School of Law, including Harendra Beniwal, Lily Okech, Marta Simonetti, Rana Osman and Sakshi Sharda. This colloquium would not have been possible without the active supervision of our Director of Doctoral Studies, support of Dr Laura Stella-Enonchong and Prof Nimer Sultany. We thank the school of law faculty acting as respondents and the various departments and individuals across SOAS who contributed to this event. 

Follow Us on X (Twitter formally): @SOASLawPhdCollo | #SLGM16