The BAME Attainment Gap: learning from the student experience

Key information

9:30 am to 5:00 pm
Brunei Gallery
Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre

About this event

Multiple Speakers

Book your place here

Following Universities UK and the NUS’s report on ‘ Black, Asian and minority ethnic student attainment at UK universities: #ClosingtheGap ', UUK together with SOAS University of London, is hosting this one-day conference to focus on next steps in making change happen.

Latest data shows the BAME attainment gap is 13.2%, with the largest gap between black and white students. This is a significant problem which needs to be addressed.

Awareness of issues surrounding Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) attainment and diversity in higher education is increasing but to confront the issue and enhance the student experience there needs to be widespread best practice sharing in the sector.

Disparity of success when it comes to race is an issue that universities need to address head-on but many institutions are not sure how to initiate change. This one-day conference will look at how to overcome structural inequality in higher education. From leadership, culture, curriculum, staffing, overall student experience, this conference will seek to examine and give practical advice on range of issues that affect the attainment gap.

Why should you attend?

This conference will examine the practical steps universities can take to address issues within their institution and across the sector.

The event will give you up-to-date briefings on the current issues surrounding BAME attainment, access, and diversity amongst students and staff. You will hear about lessons learned at other universities and about success stories. You'll also engage with students directly on their experiences and have the opportunity to discuss how to apply this within your institution. Hosted by Baroness Valerie Amos, Director of SOAS University of London and former Secretary of State for International Development, we will examine a range of themes, including but not limited to:

  • Practical steps to tackle the BAME attainment gap
  • Promoting racial equality where there is limited racial diversity
  • Intersectionality: the impact on racial inequality of gender, socioeconomic background and disability
  • Having conversations about race, addressing organisational culture and examining how best to initiate conversations about race
  • How to gather and use the right data
  • What works – how to evaluate what you are doing
  • The importance of leadership to overcome the attainment gap
  • Listening to the student experience and taking action

Who should attend?

This event is recommended for everyone who works on or is interested in issues surrounding diversity and BAME attainment in higher education. Possible titles are suggested below, but we encourage anyone interested in the issue to attend:

  • Pro-Vice Chancellors Education or Student Experience
  • Heads of Schools/Faculties/Departments
  • Lecturer/Senior Lecturer
  • Students
  • Director/Head/Officer of:
    • Student Experience
    • Student Engagement
    • Fair Access
    • Widening Participation
    • Planning and Strategy
    • Student Services
    • Student Support and Wellbeing
    • Teaching and Learning
    • Partnerships
    • Recruitment and Outreach
    • Equality and Diversity

UUK are pleased to be able to offer a limited number of free places for students to attend this event. Please email quoting the event title to request a free place (a valid student ID card will be required to be shown on arrival at the event).

UUK have a range of sponsorship opportunities available at this event. Please contact Esther Dudley, Head of Events and Engagement for information, tel: 020 7419 5412; email: .