Kenya: Promised Land?

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About this event
A profile of the country in photographs by Geoff Sayer, for Oxfam.
Thursday 20 January - Saturday 25 March 2000
Due to popular demand this exhibition will be open on the following Saturdays 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th March.
Kenya, with its fertile soils, diverse climate, and enterprising people, should be a land of milk and honey. Tourists see safari parks and palm-fringed beaches, luxury hotels and skyscraper offices; but the reality for a growing number of kenyans is a life of desperate poverty and increasing insecurity.
Kenya: Promised Land? explains the origins of the political, economic, and social tensions which are causing wide rifts to appear in the fabric of Kenyan society. It celebrates the achievements of communities whose hard work has transformed degraded land, and shows how some of the nation's poorest people are surviving almost entirely on their own resources, on the margins of the promised Land which seems as far off now as it did during colonial times. This exhibition is an ideal introduction to Kenya for travellers, students, and general readers.
More information about the book Kenya: Promised Land?