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Speaker: Ms JIN Fangting 金方廷 (HKBU): Fontaine.jin@gmail.com

本文試圖探討兩周時代的媵器器用制度,並以此為基礎對周代貴族婚姻加以 討論。整體而言,陪嫁以媵器是一種通行時間較短、流通範圍相對有限的婚姻禮 俗。青銅媵器興起於西周中後期,是周代婚禮禮制成熟的象徵,卻尤其興盛於春 秋時代。從媵器銘文所記載的通婚情況來看,作器以媵的禮儀規格較高,主要通 行於西周時代的畿外方國婚姻。隨著春秋時代社會格局發生了重大改變,製作媵 器的習俗在貴族婚姻中非但日益頻繁,媵器本身更承擔了重要的經濟、政治功能, 從而成為春秋時代婚姻外交的見證,由此體現出春秋時代不同於西周時期的婚姻 文化。

關鍵詞:媵器 器用制度 婚姻禮俗 早期中國

Bronze Dowry Arrangements in Zhou Dynasties and Elite marriage
This paper discusses marriage customs of Zhou elites in the light of investigating the vessel arrangements of bronze dowries in Zhou Dynasties. Generally speaking, making bronze vessels as dowry is an exclusive bridal custom that exists for not too long a period. This custom, as a material symbol of the completion of Zhou nuptial ritual, began from the late stage of Middle Western Zhou period and then became especially widespread during the Spring-and-Autumn times. Judging from the inscriptions of dowry vessels, it may be concluded that using bronze vessels as dowry is originally a ritual for high-level elites, which mainly applicable in the weddings involving those ruling family/families of regional states. The changing socio-political condition in Eastern Zhou period resulted not only in the prosperity of bronze dowry making, but also in the multifunction of dowry vessels as important economic, political and diplomatic devices. Consequently the variation of vessel arrangements and its functions intensively embodies the developing marriage culture of Zhou elites from Late Western Zhou to Spring-and-Autumn times.

Keywords: bronze dowry, vessel arrangements, marriage customs, Early China