
Representing Food Research

Key information

9:00 am to 4:30 pm
Vernon Square

About this event

Note: Internal event not open to external attendees.

The two-day post-graduate workshop Representing Food Research took place at SOAS on the 17th and 18th of June 2015. The aim of this event was to offer participants the opportunity to think critically about what it means to conduct and represent research on food and how to communicate it across disciplines, or to non-disciplinary or non-academic audiences. The first day of the workshop started with a short lecture given by prof. Melissa Caldwell, and the remaining part of the day was devoted to presentations by doctoral researchers, followed by discussions and feedback from other student participants and invited food scholars. The second day was run on Action Learning principles. Participants had more time to present and discuss their work. In Action Learning, presentations are made on ‘knotty’ or complex issues that the presenter may have been struggling with for some time and then discussed via open questions. This allowed participants to develop the skill of asking creative and critical questions through engaging with each other’s work.

The workshop was organised by doctoral researchers from the Departments of Anthropology and Development Studies at SOAS: Giulia Baldinelli, Zofia Boni, Anna Cohen, Katharina Graf and Hannah Roberson, with the support from Trevor Marchand . It was funded by the Bloomsbury & UCL ESRC Doctoral Training Centre.