
SOAS Foundation College: Contemporary Global Issues Webinar Series

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Virtual Event
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About this event

The Contemporary Global Issues Webinar Series is a chance to address compelling and relevant themes for the contemporary world through online talks and discussions led by academic staff from the Foundation College at SOAS University of London. 

ICC and Foundation year applicants are encouraged to take this opportunity to interact with SOAS staff and students, to better their understanding of these key topics in preparation for their studies.

About the webinars

History and Power

Tuesday 2nd July 2024 at 11.00 (UK time)  

How do states represent their past to justify their present actions?

It has been said that "whoever controls the present, controls the past." Is it true that because it is always written by the winners, History invariably supports their power? And, if it is true, what can we do to uncover the real story?

Dr Kevin Manton will lead this talk on the relationship between history and power.

Conflict and Human Rights

Friday 5th July 2024 at 11.00 (UK time)

What are the causes and possible solutions to the forced displacement of records numbers of people across the world?

Many of the world's poorest people live in countries that suffer from serious violence and conflict. Fragility, conflict and violence is recognised by the World Bank as one of the primary causes of extreme poverty, famine and forced displacement. Countries that have experienced prolonged insecurity and conflict have not achieved the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) set out by the UN in 2000.  

Dr Chris Boyle will present and discuss the issue of forced displacement.

Cultural Imperialism

Tues 9th July 2024 at 12.30 (UK time)

Are some cultures a threat to the survival of other cultures?  

There is much criticism of cultural imperialism, or the spread of a few dominant cultures across other parts of the world and the impact that they have on other cultures. Is the concept of cultural imperialism a crude and simplistic way of thinking about global cultural exchange? Are there more convincing models of cultural exchange and dissemination?

Dr Andrew Kennedy will question whether cultural imperialism is a useful concept for understanding our contemporary world.

Business and the Environment

Friday 12th July 2024 at 12.30 (UK time)

How much do businesses really care about protecting the environment?

There is growing concern about greenwashing in the fashion industry, where brands falsely portray their products as environmentally friendly or sustainable to attract eco-conscious consumers. This deceptive practice raises important questions about the integrity and transparency of sustainability claims in fashion. Is the concept of greenwashing an oversimplified way of understanding the complexities of sustainability in the fashion industry? Are there more nuanced and effective models for evaluating and ensuring genuine environmental responsibility in fashion?

Dr Bill Jefferies will look at whether businesses can do more to integrate environmental sustainability into their strategy.