Translators’ Information Literacy: An Evidence-based Approach

Key information
- Date
- Time
5:00 pm to 6:00 pm
- Venue
- Online (Zoom)
- Event type
- Seminar
About this event
This talk will focus on translators' information literacy, particularly related to how translators navigate the Web to seek information.
Drawing on a selection of relevant conceptualisations from Human Computer Interaction (HCI), it presents a qualitative eye tracking-based methodology, gauging the behaviour and reasoning behind translators’ highly complex and context-dependent interaction with search engines and the Web.
SOAS Centre for Translation Studies Global Seminar Series 2024-25
About the speaker
Dr Claire Y. Shih is an Associate Professor in Translation and Interpreting Studies, Centre for Translation Studies (CenTraS), University College London (UCL). She specialises in translation process research (TPR), an interdisciplinary sub-branch of translation studies. Her research mainly focuses on translators’ cognition and translation pedagogy.
She is the author of Navigating the Web: A Qualitative Eye tracking-based Study of Translators' Web Search Behaviour, published by Cambridge University Press.
Image: Claire Y Shih